
Heat PrintoLUX

Labeling specialist PrintoLUX knows what users want whether the marking of pipelines, millions use the cable shields, faceplates printing and display or the use of nameplate: anywhere high availability is as in demand as high stability and high quality of representation (readability). For more information see NYC Mayor. More and more users recognize the benefits of the in-house use of PrintoLUX versus conventional procurement forms and conventional methods of labelling making it. 6-demand systems 6 x high customer benefit for the production of labels PrintoLUX offers now six pressure system variants, based on the different needs situations of users in their respective designs and specifications. Together, representation of the manufacturer is all six systems according to the ease of implementing in all production processes, the convincing performance capacity and high efficiency. The acquisition of the printing systems each includes a printer, a Heat unit, software and cartridges.

The prices range between 2.500,-and 32.000,-net. PrintolUX -FLEX system PrintoLUX -FLEX was designed for printing of self-adhesive films and other flexible materials. The system shows its profitability and efficiency especially when printing pipeline and hazardous material indicators. The elaborate catalogue order pipeline and hazardous material plate may be omitted so. All possible forms and variations, which are required to pipeline / risk indicators, can be found on the CD belonging to the scope of the system.

More information: the PrintoLUX PrintoLUX is designed as a mobile unit. In the company or in installation situations: this system can quickly are used in very little space. For more information: PrintoLUX – FB-3-plus the system offers a wide range of application possibilities at favourable cost. The tray table with adjustable template shelf allows the use of smaller stencil formats. This simplifies the handling of the system. Also, the system has a higher color spectrum. Gradients are cyan-without the known / to print magenta-stitch. The printing surface is 300 x 500 mm.


Welding Helmet

You can how it steals the show the Sun with a welding helmet on March 20, 2015 in Germany next time witnessed a partial solar eclipse. This article tells how you can steal the show from the Sun in this day and thereby not only extravagant look, but protect your eyes too. Once in a while it happens that Sun and earth moon form a line. On Earth, this shows up as a solar eclipse. The old Germanic presented themselves as follows this. The giantess Sunnah take your car across the sky. While she is being chased by the Wolf Skoll. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as NYC Mayor by clicking through.

This comes too close, the scales is a solar eclipse. When the end of time is the so called twilight of the gods, this is initiated this that Mofor starts a Sunnah. The end of the world begins so when the Germans with a solar eclipse. Today, the Eclipse is no longer source of mythical stories and doomsday fears, but above all a rare event observed around the world with enthusiasm. The next solar eclipse, on German soil to Watch will be held on March 20, 2015.

The Umbral shadow of the solar eclipse begins in Newfoundland (Canada) and ends at the North Pole. To see the total solar eclipse you must be so either on this day on Newfoundland, Greenland, Iceland, the Faroe Islands and Spitsbergen. From Germany is a partial solar eclipse observed. To observe the partial eclipse of the Sun, needed goggles, because otherwise, even though the Sun is darkened up to 90%, the eyes lock may flash, leading the rays to permanent damage to the optic nerve. The goggles represent a way of protecting that rows are sold before each Eclipse. Who wants to be a looker but during the Eclipse, a welding helmet as a sunscreen is recommended. Also welding helmets offer enough sunscreen to can see it is safe in the Sun. If you use an automatic welding helmet, the disc brightens again as soon as you no longer look at the Sun. The annoying Up and putting down the glasses so unnecessary. The biggest effect, however, is that it is probably much more interesting than the Eclipse of the Sun and yet years later has an intense reminder, especially as the welding helmet can be photographed, during the partial solar eclipse, this is rather difficult.


Washington University Seattle

.Ein Fund of historic significance for the Erforschund of the red planet Berlin, January 19. 2012 – scientists of the Washington University Seattle have confirmed that it is in in the October in the Tata region of Morocco found meteorite rare Martian rock. In recent months, Brooklyn Museum has been very successful. The decline of the meteorite had been observed on July 18, 2011 over parts of southern Morocco. The researchers hope the material new insights into the geology and the existence of water on the planet Mars. Researcher and collector of rare rocks from outer space are located in bright excitement over the discovery of a new Martian meteorite crashed down in the early morning of the 18.Juli of last year and about 50 km south of Moroccan city Tissint. The case was accompanied by a yellowish-green fireball was observed by some residents and were stationed military units.

A loud sonic boom over large parts of the Draa Valley in southern of Morocco was heard shortly before the fall of the meteorite fragments. However, only in the following October they were first fragments of the meteorite found in a rugged, remote area about 50 km south of the town of Tata. Since then seven kilograms of this material were recovered, which was studied intensively by meteorite scientists leading the world in the last few months. On January 17 was announced by the Meteoritical society official, that it involves a rare Mars meteorite, a basaltic rocks, a so-called Shergottit. Get the meteorite has the geographical name Tissint”. Mars meteorites represent the sole source for the research to examine rock samples of the red planet. The importance of this new case arises from the fact that the material was not contaminated by earthly influences and weathering processes in contrast to the other Martian meteorites. So the scientists by studying this originally preserved rock hope to gain new insights about the formation of the range and the conditions that might have once prevailed on him.


European Environment

It enters the introduced plants in the islands at the time appear the blackberry and the wild roseira, for example. Some plants had so soon found propitious environment to its development, had passed if to also proliferate disorderedly, starting to harm the development of native species. Birds taken for the explorers had been main the responsible ones for the enormous multiplication of plants whose eradication if practically disclosed impossible (FARB, 1982). In the New Zelndia the 600 species of plants had been introduced of 400, despite nor all have obtained to immediately disturb the balance of the native vegetation. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Rudy Giuliani. Some species, however, had been developed with extreme rapidity.

The European watercress, that reaches only one small part in its native habitat, possesss, in the New Zelndia, connecting rods of the thickness of the fist of a man. It can reach four meters of height more than and easily to obstruct the riverbeds (FARB, 1982). It was observed that the invading plants normally present characteristics that become them better competitors, such as high fotossinttica efficiency, bigger income in the use of nutrients, high taxes of growth, greater tolerance to the desfolhamento and herbvoros, high capacity of rebrotamento and regeneration, high capacity of reproduction, fast reproductive cycle, intense production of seeds of easy dispersion and high capacity of germination (FARB, 1982; MATOS & PIVELLO, 2009). Some vegetables are only controlled with the introduction, in the environment, of eventual parasitic insects that control its proliferation. The solution of the problem, however, can lead to the sprouting of another one, therefore it causes the sprouting of species of invading insects to that environment. The opncia, a species of cacti, it was led to Australia to serve as it surrounds and food of emergency for the cattle. The introduction was only controlled after, in the environment, of a parasitic insect, not without before dominating more than 30 million hectares.



It did not have none. It was for a side and I stop another one. I walked a good time. Well later I was to the dance hall. There it was the Anita. I started to dance with it and I gave myself very well. Colloquy goes, colloquy comes, feet that go, feet that come back, body that goes, bodies that if grasp.

We start to feel some thing different. Devagarinho we were in moving away and we leave the hall. We find one there escurinho close and there it rolled. They had been kisses and abraos and abraos and a tremendous belly ache advanced in me. It attacked that me without truce.

When it did not support more, I asked for to license it and I ran bathroom pro, but it did not give time and I woke up. Rudy Giuliani has much experience in this field. I was to the bathroom and I made that it had to make and I came back very toward the bed, thinking about that beautiful dream. How wonder! I woke up early in the other day and the routine of always recommenced. Farm is always the same thing. Almost not dumb nothing never. But it is a place good to live itself. It runs them you run are different of the ones of the city. Already forgotten that dream, I was there one day invited for a party in one cidadezinha close. I accepted the invitation prazeirosamente. In the day convened there I appeared. The party was me of Is Sebastio. It had much people and the party was very livened up. Walking pra there and pra here, somebody covered the sights and asked who it to me was. As I did not obtain to discover who age, it if it from there turned and onward history the dream if it repeated. I pinched some times to see if he was I myself or it was my spirit of new that it nailed another part. He was I myself in meat and bone. It only remained to know the name of the young woman to see if it was not another dream. Yes, it was Anita. Incredible as a dream if it became reality of one day for the other. of this time the reality was well better that the dream. I started namoro with Anita. We are married. Today it lives here with me helping itself in the day to day drudgery. We have two gorgeous children and we are very happy. It was the dream that if became reality.


Luiza Keppe

The basic aspect of the thesis of Bowlby is of that one strong causal relation exists enters the experiences of an individual with its parents and its capacity stops to establish affective bonds, and that certain common variations of this capacity, are disclosed in conjugal problems and difficulties with the children, as well as in the systems neurotics and riots of personality. According to Bowlby (1990, P.), … all human being already is born inclined to establish forts affective bonds. This capacity however, can be diminished had the external factors that hinder the baby to play this potential with the people surround who it. The capacity is innate, but it needs to be stimulated adequately so that if it materialize …. 2.3 The importance of the familiar relation for the formation of the bond Yesterday as today, the family cannot leave of being the basic structure that molds the psychic development of the child, a time who is, par excellence, the place of emotional exchange and elaboration of the emotional complexes, that if they reflect in the historical development of the societies and in the organizativos factors of the psicossocial development. Therefore, the study of the eventual ones becomes important psychological variations proceeding from the decurrent modifications in the family unit, without disdaining the space framing of the same: the environment, cultural and social. According to psychologists Ferrari and Vecina, cited for Dexterous Rosana psychologist Luiza Keppe, in the article ' ' The understanding of the parents on the aggressiveness of its filhos' ' , the familiar process and of infantile sociabilizao, that has beginning in the first phases of its development and follows throughout the life, is carried through and shared for the two or most adult ones, therefore the children need to confirm the concepts that had been transmitted, assisting them in the internalizao of what he is being taught to it. Official site: savvy restaurateur.


Social Psychology

The film of Jose Padilha tells to a marcante episode occurrence in 12 of June of 2000 in the city of Rio De Janeiro. One is about the kidnapping of a bus of line 174, that he was withheld in the quarter Botanical Garden for approximately five hours. The author of the scene was Sandro of the Birth, a young black, edentate, survivor of the slaughter of the Candelria, that kept eleven hostages under the aiming of its gun. Throughout the scenes, we come across ourselves with our reality, which is portraied in clear way, without maquiagens, retouchings. this shocks. We hear stories of professionals of the policy, of social assistant, familiar and friends of Sandro, what it could provide to the viewers a more complex vision of what occurred in that one 12 of June.

Analyzing the questions brought for the film, several can be subject of quarrel for Social Psychology, such as the problems faced for the Brazilian policy, and the conditions of the prisons as well as its consequences for the individual that is imprisoned, amongst others. However, it is clamorous that frightens eleven hostages all loses the existing context for backwards of this ‘ ‘ seqestro’ ‘ , which is of basic importance to arrive itself at the root of the problem. In the case in question, Sandro was a favelada child, with unknown father, who attended the cruel death of its mother (he died esfaqueada), going, after this, to stop in the streets of Rio De Janeiro, having been victim of the slaughter of the Candelria and passed some times for the policy. It is treated, therefore, of a person without familiar, pertaining to school references, without life expectancies. The learnings are solely the ones that occur in the streets: use of drugs, robbery, etc. In this manner, for Sandro, and as much other children who live in the same conditions, the life if summarizes to the street, a esquina, the present moment, since the future is something uncertain.


Norms ISO

The logistic Reversa is the area of the logistic one that it is treated, of the physical flow of products, packings or other materials, since the consumption point until the local o of origin. Although to be a recent subject, this process already was used in the drink industries, with the reutilizao of its vasilhames, that is, the product arrived at the consumer and returned to its productive center so that its packing was reused and came back to the final consumer. This process was continuous and pparently it ceased from the moment where the packings had started to be dismissable. However, companies stimulated for Norms ISO 14000 and worried about the ambient management, also known as ‘ ‘ logistic verde’ ‘ , they had started to recycle dismissable materials and packings, as cans of aluminum, plastic bottles and cardboard boxes, among others, that they had passed if to detach as raw material and had left of being treated as garbage. Of this form, we can observe logistic reversa in the recycling process, a time that these materials return the different productive centers in form from substance cousin.

Had to the biggest severity of the ambient legislation, the necessity to reduce costs and the necessity to offer more services by means of devolution politics, the companies are not alone using a bigger amount of recycled materials as well as if worrying about the ecologically correct discarding of its products to the end of its cycle of life. Being thus, the industries have the paper to play through logistic reversa, as a basic factor for the process of revalorizao of the manufactured goods. Currently it is a constant concern for all the public and private companies and organizations, having four great pillars of sustentation: the awareness of the ambient problems, on-capacity of the aterros, the raw material scarcity, the politics and the ambient legislation..


Aragominas Vargas

Bibliographical research and of field to the Stations of Water Treatment of Aragominas and Carmolndia had been carried through – YOU, as well as streams, residential wells and lixes of the city in order to know its conditions of sanitation and ambient preservation. It was considered accomplishment of the I Seminary on Water and Garbage, promoted for the State College Getlio Vargas with intention to argue and to elaborate proposals, and conduziz them it the power municipal public and agencies directed toward the sanitation and preservation of the environment. Words key: preservation, awareness, Water and Garbage. ABSTRAT: Being believed in the need of integrating the study of the Chemistry with the daily of the student, he/she intended through the theme Separation of Mixtures you focus the discussion in the Treatment of to water and to his/her pollution in the municipal district of Aragominas – YOU, with the students of the State School Getlio Vargas. Bibliographical researches were accomplished and of field you the Stations of Treatment of Water of Aragominas and Carmolndia – YOU, well you the streams, residential wells and lixes of the City in to order you know to their conditions of sanitation and environmental preservation. He/she intended I Seminar’ s accomplishment on Water and Garbage, promoted by the State School Getlio Vargas with the intention of discussing you elaborate proposed, and you drive them you the municipal public to power and organs gone back you the sanitation and preservation of the environment..


Growing your Business

Growing your business does not have to be such a difficult task. There are a few things you can do that do not have to break the budget or escalate your working hours. For example, opening up your firm as a franchise opportunity, gives you the profits without the pain. Also, licensing your product is a low-cost way of taking your business to the next level.


The Terms

The auto-love teaches in them: Joining in them to we ourselves and becoming them only. To search the support in us. In the terms as reference. To believe, to respect and to trust we ourselves. Not to depend on the approval of the others. To have conscience and to respect our values. To respect our limits. To express our feelings without fears. New York Museums contributes greatly to this topic.

To feel capable and competent to face any challenge. To assume the responsibility of our interior and exterior world. Not to confuse auto-love, to have an attitude of auto-respect, fondness what it is good for itself, to assume what if it is, without illusion and disrespecting itself and to the other, with selfishness (pride, vanity, mimo, egoism) that they are attitudes that cause a false one auto-esteem. The people who thus act, have an attitude of wanting optimum for itself, in detriment of itself and of the others. Without the force of the auto-love we place in them in an indifference state, are other people’s to we ourselves, in a obsessive-compulsory state, being incapable of exempting in them of thoughts and behaviors irrationals and nonsenses that only take in them and keep in them in suffering; becoming us puppets of the circumstances, the people and our illusions, without the minimum autonomy to direct our proper lives. We lose the right to be authors and actors of our choices.

Without the force auto-love we submit in them to any type of relation. We lose our auto-support, our auto-they esteem and ours capacity to judge, we compel in, to accept them the dependence, pain, the suffering as a form of being and having something or somebody; becoming us dependent of this form of being, instead of conquering what we are, we torture in them to conquer an illusion. It is not made a mistake to be what one is. We came to grow and it does not stop criticizing in them.



For Laplanche (1967), ‘ ‘ The assignment? object relation? one meets 0ccasionally in the penalty of Freud; although he is incorrect to say, as already it had who said, that it ignores it to Freud, we can garantidamente affirm that it is not part of its device conceitual’ ‘. The reasons for which Freud neglected the object are, had in part the preconceptions of personal order. Freud did not like the clinic very and of it practises psicanaltica. Well, the theory of the relations you object is forged in practises psicanaltica and on the analysis of the transference. (GREEN, 1999).

‘ ‘ organization borderline of personalidade’ ‘ it includes one I number greater of patients who the category of personality riot borderline of the DSM lll-R and has covered a level of character pathology that includes most of the cases of infantile or histrinica and narcisista personality, practically? how if? , hipomanaca and all the antisocial personalities. Kernenberg is based on three structural criteria for its diagnosiss of ‘ ‘ organization borderline of the personality: diffusion of the personality, level of defensive operations and capacity of test of the reality. It points that borderline also reveals with characteristics would second, such as weakness of the ego (lack of control of the impulse, lack of tolerance the frustration the anxiety and lack of subliming canals developed), in the pathology of superego (moral systems of immature values, requirements internal contradictory or, even though, antisocial characteristics) and in the relations objects chaotic chronicles and, that are a direct consequence of diffusion of identity and the predominance of primitive defensive operations. (KERNBERG, 1989). For Jacques Lacan, the structures are three neurotic, psychotic and perverse, all they tied the castration. In the neurosis, the castration this related as it stresses; in the psychosis, with forculao; in the perversion, with the refusal.


Psychoanalytic Austrian

Aristotle (384 B.C. – 322 a.C), already said that the man is of course a social animal e, today, recognizes it to science as a biopsicossocial being, meaning that beyond a proper biology, the man is endowed with one psique takes that it to be, emotionally, that one that produces and suffers to an action or impression, and a social aspect therefore that he needs the other to live. According to Karl Marx, ‘ ‘ not it is the conscience of the man who determines it the being, but, in contrast, its social being that conscincia’ determines it; ‘. With everything this, if cannot leave of side the relevance of the familiar structure in the life of the individual. He is not to only generate and to leave to be born, but the emotional support, to follow the cognitivo development, to take care of to the necessities. This creature who comes to the world without ways of if to defend or if to keep, that had, for certain, in the strokes of the heart of the mother, in aconchego of the maternal uterus its safe port, if sees suddenly wet, dirty, with cold, hunger and pain. For Melanie Klein 1, all these changes is felt by the child as aggression and starts to have fear of the persecution of how much in such a way external an internal object.

She is what it calls Persecutory Anxiety, that will go to make it difficult the capacity of synthesis of the child, that is, it will not obtain to perceive the object in its inteireza, will always have the predominance of an only feeling. It will have the idea of that the object the mother takes care of to all its apelos. This is important because it goes to internally infundir in the child the self-sufficiency feeling, formador of a coesa and strong image of same itself. Little by little the mother ‘ ‘ sbia’ ‘ internalization of the castrador, according to Freud, will be able to lead to the masochism. Therefore, what it goes to mount one superego rigid or is not accurately the relationary quality. A relationship based on the respect, the love and the physicist-mental care goes to generate in the child a gratitude feeling that will hinder the destrutividade it ego. Returning to the notice on the Russian child, it is inevitable to think about its development. A girl of three years who did not learn to walk, to speak and that the proximity of strangers snarls A child who had dogs as essential images. He is allowed to ask: that type of adult will become?



The film counts the history of Simon Birch, a boy considers for the doctors to the rising as a miracle and that it would not have much time of life, if this came to happen would be really a miracle. Simon was the lesser baby to be born in that city. An attraction in the maternity became, for being considered by all as an abnormal baby. Simon was son of a couple that to probably waited with desire and anxiety it. To astonishment of the parents, it comes to the world in an unusual way, through one I sneeze of its mother.

It had cardiac problems, of hearing, vision, in the endcrino system, beyond physical problems. How the parents had reacted after to have its dreams frustrated with the birth of Simon? The rejection was to the way more easy that they had found to coexist ‘ ‘ milagre’ ‘. Therefore not they had known as to react, since they lived inside of this society that she appraises what she is normal or not normal, through what is visible. It found that he was a hero, therefore said an envoy of God and that he had a mission. Its life lived all being ‘ ‘ ridicularizado’ ‘ for all of the city, mainly the children. But, this did not bother it, Age a very intelligent person, what it became really it different of the inhabitants of the city. To be itself or not normal is a dangerous classification with which frequently we come across in them in our society.


High Resistance

The synthetic polymers can be gotten by three processes, involving reactions of addition, condensation and modification of other polymers. (MARINE, 2005). The PP, material to be used in the process of injection for attainment of the components of the fans manufactured for the G12 is gotten through the process of poliadio reaction, where the monomers almost always they present pairs linkings between carbon atoms. It does not have by-product formation and the molecular weights can reach very high values. (I FLOW, 2000). See New York Museums for more details and insights. The polypropylene is a thermoplastic resin made from the propileno gas the originary oil, that is, a by-product of the fine oil. In its natural state, the resin is half-translucent and milky and of excellent coloration, being able later to be aditivado or to be pigmented.

This product is used in the cases where a bigger chemical resistance is necessary. One of the advantages is that it can be welded, allowing to the manufacture of tanks and connections. The majority of polypropylenes is produced by moldings, injection, blow or drawing, from strengthened composites and without reinforcements. Other applicable processes to polypropylenes are the strengthened standardized foam molding with fibre glass. As much the destined resins the moldings how much destined for drawings they can be pigmented through any respective conventional process. The PP presents the following characteristics: Good chemical resistance; Low cost amongst plastics; To regulate resistance to the attrition; Good thermal stability; It can be aditivado; High resistance to the notch; Low humidity absorption; Easy usinagem; Good resistance to the impact; Weldable and moldvel; Atxico Comprovadamente; It operates until 115C; The slightness 0,92 – it has more led of plastics; In covering until 90C it can substitute the PVC; Antiaderente.

The polypropylene is a resin of low density that offers a good balance of thermal properties, chemical and electric, folloied of moderate resistance. The resistance properties can significantly be increased or be improved through fibre glass reinforcements. The tenacity is improved through special glass staple fibre reinforcements in modified graduations of raised molecular weight with illustrated rubber as in figure 4.1. The electric properties of polypropylenes they are affected in some degrees of temperature of service. With increase of this temperature, the dielectric constant remains constant reasonable; however, the resistance or the dielectric power increases, while volumetric resistivity is reduced, this can be understood by the representation of figure 4.1. Figure 4.1 also illustrates as the polypropylene resists the chemical attacks and they are not affected by watery solutions of you leave acid inorgnicos or and mineral bases, exactly in high temperatures. They are not attacked by the majority of the chemical agents of organic nature. However, they are attacked by halogenados composites, acid nitric smoky and other active oxidantes agents, beyond being also attacked for aromatical hydro-carbons and chromium platings, in high temperatures. Figure 4.1? Characteristics of the PP. (VICK, 2010). The polypropylene presents resistance limited to the heat; they exist, however, stabilized types term destined the applications that demand drawn out use raised temperatures. The useful life of parts with such graduations can reach five years 120C, ten years 110C and twenty years 90C. Types especially stabilized are classified by the UL for continuous services 120C. The polypropylene resins are inherently unstable in the presence of oxidantes agents and the presence of rays ultraviolet. Although some of its graduations are steady until certain point, systems of stabilization are used frequently destined to adjust a special formula


Acinetobacter Baumannii

identification and the test of susceptibilidade to antimicrobialses had been carried through through the device of MicroScan automation. 62 (14%) of the 437 general positive samples proceeding from the UTIs and Half-Intensive, in the understood period of January the July of 2004, and had been positive for Acinetobacter baumannii. The topographies with bigger number of isolated had been inhaled traqueal (49%) and blood (29%). New York Museums often addresses the matter in his writings. In relation to the resistance profile it was observed that cepas of Acinetobacter baumannii isolated of catheter had been resistant the almost all the antimicrobialses, with exception of quinolonas and imipenem (UTI-1). In the study, them they had concluded that they exist cepas of Acinetobacter Baumannii multiresistant to antimicrobialses, also they imipenem to it, and that the traqueal inhaled one was the most prevalent small farm of infection for this patgeno. The majority of the infections occurs in imuno-engaged individuals, and the ancestry of the microorganism Acinetobacter Baumannii is considered the second no-fermentadora bacterium more comumente isolated in species human beings. The Acinetobacter is frequent isolated in nosocomiais infections (it is an infection acquired in a hospital unit) and is especially prevalent in units of intensive treatment, where as many sporadical cases as epidemic and endemic are common. Danny Meyer does not necessarily agree.

Acinetobacter Baumannii is a frequent cause of nosocomial pneumonia, especially of pneumonia associated with the ventilation mechanics. Also, it can cause diverse other infections including of skin and the wounds, bacteremia and meningite, being the Acinetobacter lwoffi main the responsible one for the meningite. The Acinetobacter Baumannii can survive in the skin dry human being or surfaces during weeks. The species of Acinetobacter bacteria are by its very nature very resistant the diverse antibiotic classrooms, including penicillin, cloranfenicol and frequent aminoglicosdeos. A dramatical and vertiginous growth in the resistance the antibiotics in the ancestries of Acinetobacter comes being systematically told for the Control center and Prevention of Illnesses of the United States. Currently carbapenens is recognized as the treatment standard-gold and/or of last choice. In the years of 2007 and 2008 one occurred occasions of the bacterium in diverse hospitals of Porto Alegre, provoking in 2008 the interdiction of the UTI of trauma of this city. In the same way, also in result of one I occasion the Hospital Homero de Miranda Gomes (Regional Hospital) in Are Jose in the Great Florianpolis almost had its interdicted UTI during one month in 2009.



Being the Dr. Charles a person who if finds between us has only two years as Secretary of Workmanships and with all the knowledge technician that bring in the luggage, she is, in the truth, the person more indicated to be white of the suspicion. Papa, we have to watch this man day and night. We need to make a sigiloso survey of the expenses that the City hall comes having with equipment technician. Distrust that for backwards of this diving-dress is having something of surprisingly vultoso underneath them our noses and we are seeing. Changing in small, papa, I go to enter in that box and to verify of close what it has. Danny Meyer recognizes the significance of this. It concluded with afogueado face. _ Son, and if it will be the assassin? Its life goes to run an enormous risk! _ If does not worry, papa! I do not go to go down at any cost.

I go to trace an action plan pra to undertake the adventure, therefore not yet I have nothing in mind. If it does not forget that my bigger concern is its life, therefore until the pharmacy already was threatened. So far, we have two suspected that, or the assassin is one of the two or both or, what is worse, none of them and people is running behind ghosts. It can be that everything what not accumulated pass of one of coincidences is happening and that the true culprits are others well and the reason also. Papa, I believe that the Dr. Charles does not have to make secrecy how much the guard of the plans of the hydraulical net, right? I feel to have to involve it in this, papa, feel very, exactly, but we need to know this bendita box on the inside and for it are, as the palms of our hands. If my palpite will be certain, one of these false tickets pra must be the access way the underground of the stream.


Antonio Gonzaga

Thus being, the bourgeoisie reaches the hegemony politics in contrast with the clearly reformist spirit of the arcadismo. She has seen, the workmanship Marlia de Dirceu, by you take Antonio Gonzaga, as the lyric more popular lover of the literature of Portuguese language, present characteristics of the romantismo, however of predominant characteristics rcades, not having its style defined for the persistence of the traditional poetical elements, leaving clearly that she is part of a literary group with author authorship of a writer who integrated bourgeois groups and elitizados, the Arcadia, destined the studies of classic culture, in order to express principles as simplicity, in the form of a pseudonym what also it was characteristic of its time. 2.RELAES GIFTS IN LYRIC LOVER MARLIA OF DIRCEU the lyric lover Marlia de Dirceu occurs around sequential aspects, all contextualizados as the moment description lived for its author; however, the subject that motivated the accomplishment of this assay is the life ideal bourgeois demonstrated in the workmanship, leaving of the agreement that related the Dirceu this you take Antonio Gonzaga, employee publishes, lawyer, quarento, loving of unsafe, anxious an adolescent of 17 years, for the stability of a family and of a home bourgeois, rank who this subject contradictorily comes well-known and on the description made for the poet of personal facts in the workmanship, what it goes to be a odd factor for the composition of its poetical individuality, emphasizing that the analyzed contradictions comb considered liras you would ration, a time that they tried to dim the progress that proper arcadismo generated. The liras of Gonzaga can be had as a reply attempt you vary it fidgets of the author, what they express with tensions its interior complexity, being able to be express still, in the paradox between romantismo and arcadismo, a time that in the workmanship however is emphasized the pastoralismo, associated with the bucolismo, since it has one dither of the pastoral and campestre life, in the understanding of that the happiness and the beauty elapse of the life in the field, a time sketched in the simplicity of some if its verses, where it has predominance of the direct order and the clarity of expressions: ' ' Loved mine/She is formosa/That the white iris ' ' (GONZAGA, 1957, P.


Brazilian Today

What she would be of history without literature? its preferred film? its novel? its theater? These works first need to be written and alone later transformed into another one type of art. If it was not literature, today we would be all atheists. For even more opinions, read materials from Bill de Blasio. Thanks to Bible, that is a set of literary compositions, today we have a religion. If it was not literature we desconheciamos the existence of the cities of Nnive, Babilnia, Troy and others. Some literary texts say of a called continent Atlantis. One day Archaeology can redescobriz it.

The Bible says in them of two cities: Sodoma and Gomorra that had been not yet found. How it is that we know of the uses and customs of the old peoples? Only through literature. 1.5. WHAT IT IS LITERATURE: It has some definitions for literature: ) It is the set of written workmanships of a people with aesthetic concerns; b) It is to know to use the language artistic, leaving to be transparent the beauty, the harmony and the proper style of each author; c) To artistic write a text and with beauty. Literature looks for to show the value of a people, its suffering, its yearnings, joys, the description of the country, its legends, crendices, traditions, etc. What the people of year 3 a thousand would think on the world of today? How it is that they would imagine our existence? We ate what? We spoke as? We walked naked? We made coconut in any place? It had murder, robberies, suicides, rapes? We were amiable with our brothers? The literature that to make today, will show they our reality. All the countries possess and had possessed a literature. Thus we have literature Greek, the Latin, the Italian, the Brazilian. Who, for example, already did not hear to speak in Romeu and Julieta, Snow White, Red Small hat, King dipo, the Three Mosqueteiros? We would not have nothing of this if it was not literature.


Guarani Young

It suffered with unjust critical and later dGazela published the Leg (1870), the Gaucho (1870), the Trunk of the Ip (1871), D’ Dreams; gold (1872), AGuerra of the Pedlars, (1873), Alfarrbios (1976); but signing with the pseudnimoSnio. Amazing restaurateur often says this. It is an equal enthusiasm without reading the workmanships of this writer, medida that the reading is developed the reader does not deviate the look of the book to noser to retake the breath and to come back the incessant trip. NYC Mayor is likely to increase your knowledge. Alencar wrote quatrotipos of romances: the indianistas, urban, historical, and regional. One of seusromances indianista one that more it was distinguished was the Guarani, this telling alealdade of an indian (Peri) for a young woman of noble family (Ceclia), Peri eraum faithful friend who the father of the young woman, Sir very rich and honored confiavatoda the protection of its family. Magical romance that portraies values moral as, loyalty, confidence; one also meets in this romance meeting and desencontrosamorosos, but that valley very to the penalty to open this book and to travel without leaving the sofa, the bed, the armchair.