
How To Use A Strong Communication In Their Negotiations Buyers

We need a reduction in price shopping seminars and negotiation training for buyers buyers-campus/CSEI-consulting more… or we accept no price increase …eigentlich. These are only a few statements that are still in the Purchasing Department. To Hans-Christian Seidel, lecturer and owner of buyers-campus/CSEI-consulting from Darmstadt thinks: unfortunately I see in practice, purchase negotiations and role-playing games in shopping seminars surprisingly often that many purchasers weaken its quite strong position in a conversation with a vendor by using weak words and their demand loses much vehemence – with the result that even a weaker supplier daylight at once yet. Signal unnecessarily weakened and buttery words, their suppliers and clearly, that they in reality have still room, unsure and from the negotiation as quickly out not argumentative want and the thing as quickly to do see.” From the following, needless to shallow selected formulations, their seller (supplier) immediately recognize the communicative shortcomings on buyer: he speaks in the present and not in the indicative he uses noise words diminutive er he used non-binding restrictions he refers to the chef he talks with he conveyed he desperate messages leaves an internal notice seeking help questions while talking and he hinted low motivation chips licorice with euphemistic words Hans-Christian Seidel of the buy side and co-host, G. Gahan from the selling side, schools in their global negotiation seminars and negotiation training, on the basis of practical role-playing to the buyers that dieseu.a. confident communication, as well as strong language, in their practical negotiations with the suppliers improvements.

Based on the experiences from his shopping seminars for buyers Hans-Christian Seidel thinks continued: “of course must be friendly. But for Kuschelspracheund Sussholz Geraspel is no place for a hearing. “With such kind of too soft communication take the CLOUT each planned communication.” “This also co-host says G. Gunay, experienced sales and negotiating professional: A during a negotiation with a vendor success not only by the quality of their arguments or the dominance of their body language or the timbre of her voice down, but in sum also in addition of its strong and confident communication.” Purchase campus ( offers buyers from industry and commerce, superior methods for the conduct of negotiations as also a sophisticated and professional approach. Purchase campus is the area of CSEI consulting from Darmstadt ( geared to shopping seminars and negotiation training. Exchange of experiences and practical tips are always in the foreground of the seminar; complemented by role playing. The exchange between lecture, dialogue, as well as the Activation of participants grant a high sustainability training through role-playing. The shopping seminars at the purchase campus are as exciting, lively and very practical described by many participants. Current topic: how buyers use a strong and no soft communication in your negotiations. Learn more about shopping seminar content, training concepts, EinkaufsSeminarworkshops or negotiating seminars are directly under the following link from the Commerce campus: interested parties addressed their request directly by E-Mail: