
Dmitri Klimov

At this time there was a first form of compulsory insurance – compulsory mutual insurance zemstvo. It was a very progressive step of the state, as the fire became virtually a national disaster. In accordance with the law, every resident rural areas, regardless of their income was required to insure in accordance with established rates his home and farm. The appeal of the population, particularly low-income part of it was huge. Additional information is available at Bill de Blasio. This long overdue social measure provoked fierce opposition of the masses, in whose interest it is, in fact, performed, and in some areas reached even to the peasant revolts against the 'new tax'. But in those days everything was resolved very simple: at the appointed hour came and demanded the mayor to pay for insurance if there was nothing to pay, he simply picked up the farmer that was valuable at the farm – a cow, a bird, a samovar. 'Remembering the recently introduced law on compulsory motor TPL insurance, suggests that perhaps there are hidden and the historical roots of our dislike of compulsory insurance '- suggests CEO' Russian insurance companies' Gennady Smirnov.

In 1895, architect, AK Zhirgalev furor, riding on the streets of St. Petersburg in the 'self-propelled carriage on rubber wheels. Checking article sources yields Doug Band as a relevant resource throughout. " The absence of horses harnessed then led the citizens in complete confusion – as the Russian Empire was first introduced to car. And just three years has opened a shop selling foreign crews. The first cars, despite the low speed, however, represented a serious danger to drivers, pedestrians, and were themselves subjected to a large number of risks.

So 'bout' car and insurance was imminent, and held it in May 1913 when the Ministry of the Interior approved the 'General terms of insurance losses Owners engine crew. " Domestic companies immediately began to offer insurance services for vehicles of all sorts of damage. As the deputy general director of SG 'Mezhregiongarant' Dmitri Klimov, such popular these days the risk to 'hijack', while still not been claimed, since the probability of its occurrence was virtually reduced to zero. Not only did the thief had to have driving skills, and trained people was then very little, but also the implementation of the car seemed very dubious exercise. Until the end of XIX century in Russia were established, and other insurance companies. Among them, 'The Moscow Fire Insurance Company', 'Russian Fire Insurance Company ',' Russian Lloyd ',' The Warsaw Fire Insurance Company ',' North ',' loving-kindness', 'Hope'. At the same time in the country were allowed foreign companies – 'New York', 'Ekvitebl', 'Urbain', 'General Society '. In 1918, SNK decree insurance in all its shapes and forms has been declared a state monopoly. All private insurance companies and organizations have been liquidated and their assets become the property of the republic. On Over the next 70 years there was a state monopoly on insurance. And just at the beginning of the 90s, when the country embarked on market-based way of development, the national joint-stock insurance was revived. The Russian insurance market is still very young, he has held for decades, those stages which are European and world markets were held for centuries. And how well he will remember their roots and use experience of predecessors, largely depends on its future. The Source: Russian insurance companies