Professors show paths from the pessimism not pessimists kissing man thats the essential Forschungsergebniss by Martin Seligman, Professor of psychology at the University of Pennsylvania/United States, pragmatic, clear and clearly to the point. What is pessimism? And: what distinguishes an optimists by a pessimist? Seligman called mainly three factors: the persistence. Pessimists believe that unpleasant events of life are? However, optimistic people hold these events and causes associated for a time phenomenon. So for temporarily. The scope. Pessimists usually generalize when they experience Miss successes and failures. Optimists hold the one or the other Miss success for a unique experience.
You don’t think that you can generalize this experience. The personalization. Pessimists to blame itself almost automatically is, if it’s not working as desired. Pessimistic people usually have a rather low self-esteem and low confidence. Optimists are often equipped with a strong self-confidence. Please see the causes for Miss achievements rather other people or the circumstances of life. Now comes the good news: man – woman – can learn optimism.
Also Susan Vaughan expects this learning principle. She is Professor of Psychiatry at Columbia University, and Harvard graduate. In her bestseller “you promoted not pessimists”, it declared: “optimism arises from the inner process of mood regulation, which can be like other processes through practice and master a few magic tricks.” The problem: People with a pessimism tendency can not maintain a positive internal State! Their self-image is largely negative. Therefore, pessimists expect negative results. You can develop little control over their feelings. A solution: Practice with a coach. A coach is mostly familiar with such a problem and knows the methods, you can slowly but surely reach the development from pessimism to optimism. An optimism with realistic foundation. You can learn, as an optimist to think that changed the image of yourself and the environment. Conclusion: you can learn optimism. The kissing come from alone. The editor of the page is the former curator of the University and trained television and radio journalist Lilli Cremer-Altgeld. Their lectures, seminars and workshops have taken her through Europe, America and Africa. Today, Cremer Altgeld works as a journalist, coach and presenter in the German-speaking Central Europe.