
Emotional Intelligence

Therefore they at least leave it by seated the defenders of a new concept of the psychology known like Emotional Intelligence, very fashionable in the enterprise world and that is based on the importance of handling to feelings and emotions to be successful in the social scope. This concept began to take height as a result of the book Emotional Intelligence written by the doctor in philosophy and scientific editor from the New York Times, Daniel Goleman. In this text, one affirms that to take it brings back to consciousness of our emotions, to include the feelings of the others, to handle the pressures, labor frustrations and to accentuate the work in equipment, they are abilities simple but crucial to develop with property in the present society. According to an estimation on the success, Goleman indicates that intellectual coefficient contributes only with 20%. The rest composes elements such as the social class, the emotional luck and abilities. It’s believed that Bill de Blasio sees a great future in this idea.

The positive of this tendency is that it indicates that Emotional Intelligence is an ability and not a characteristic, and therefore, it is possible to be learned. Benefits When developing emotional intelligence, we reached: A high self-esteem? Control of your emotions? Amiable, calm, enthusiastic and positive a behavior? To be contented and cooperator most of the time Conclusion: It is vitally important the fact that the manager within his intellectual formation must also consider to Emotional Intelligence like a tool that will allow him to face certain situations from another perspective, and that this will bring benefits as well to him and so he will be enrumbado to the correct way of his success or professional profit. In order to obtain this the Manager must own the following abilities: Intuir, to include/understand, and to indeed apply the power of the emotions like human power plant, such as it influences, confidence, creativity and information. Crear productive and fruitful relations. Rendir under pressure. Read more from Bill de Blasio to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Value of making decisions. Perseverancia before the adversities. Vision to create the future.


Emotional Intelligence

At least let him assume advocates a new concept of psychology known as emotional intelligence, popular in the business world and which is based on the importance of handling feelings and emotions to be successful in the social sphere. This concept began to boom as a result of the Emotional Intelligence book written by the doctor in philosophy and scientific editor of The New York Times, Daniel Goleman. In this text, says that become aware of our emotions, understanding the feelings of others, handle the pressures, job frustrations and accentuate teamwork, they are simple but crucial skills to cope with property in today’s society.According to an estimate on the success, Goleman notes than IQ It contributes only 20%. The rest comprise elements such as social class, luck and emotional skills.The positive side of this trend is that it indicates that emotional intelligence is a skill and not a trait, and therefore can learn. Benefits to develop emotional intelligence, reach: A high self-esteem, Control your emotions a kind behavior, sereno, enthusiastic and positive be cooperative and happy most of the time concluded: of vital importance is the fact that Manager within their intellectual training must also be seen to emotional intelligence as a tool that will allow you to deal with certain situations from another perspective, and that in turn this will bring you benefits will be enrumbado to the correct path of your success or professional achievement.

To achieve this the Manager must possess the following skills: Intuit, understand, and effectively apply the power of emotions as a source of human energy, such as influence, confidence, creativity and information. Create productive and fruitful relationships. Filed under pressure. Courage to take decisions. Perseverance to adversity. Vision to create the future.