
Western Siberia

Hemlock. Two-year glabrous, herbaceous plant with thick white spindly roots and erect stem bluish up to 200 cm, which is covered with purple spots. In the first year of life, above-ground part has only bunch of basal leaves. In the second year grows tall naked stem. The leaves are large (Z0-60 cm), glabrous, triangular, with long segments. Hemlock can be easily discerned by the unpleasant (a mouse) the smell of the leaves. Plant spread throughout the European part of Russia, just an opportunity to clean the pads on the equipment for cleaning pillows, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Western Siberia, Ukraine.

It grows like weeds in landfills, along roads, among the bushes on the banks of rivers. Hemlock – a very dangerous poisonous plant. Toxic substances are found in all plant organs, especially numerous in immature seed. Fruits contain up to 2% of alkaloids, of which the main are koniin, metilkoniin, kongidrin, psevdokongidrin. The highest toxicity is different koniin. In the leaves of hemlock alkaloids are found (0.1%), essential oil and caffeic acid, quercetin isolated from the flowers and kaempferol. Need cleaning pads.

Hemlock poisoning is most often due to incorrect use of its roots in the food instead of parsley, parsnips, etc. It is accompanied by several characteristic features: central nervous system depression, salivation, a decrease in temperature, enhanced the release of sweat, zhguchestyu in the mouth, vomiting, dilated pupils, weak, and weakening pulse, difficulty breathing, paralysis, which starts with the feet. Death occurs in 30-60 minutes, sometimes after 2 hours from respiratory paralysis, with full consciousness. To assist the victim to give him laxatives. Unsafe hemlock and animals – horses, cattle, sheep and pigs. Symptoms of poisoning vary in different animals, but during the restoration of almost all of paralysis of the nervous system. Hemlock – drug plant. Preparations made from it is used as a painkiller, in the treatment of epilepsy, tetanus and other diseases.



Norbekov Institute (also known as self-healing Rights Institute) was established in Moscow in 1998. Its founder and longtime leader, it is not difficult to guess, MS Norbekov. During its existence the institute opened Norbekov offices in 28 countries around the world: in Russia, CIS countries and Baltic States and abroad – in the U.S., Britain, Germany, Israel and Canada. In total, more than three hundred cities around the world conducted studies on improving Academician Norbekov system, employing over 600 teachers. In 2002 he founded the Institute Norbekov in New York, which today has 14 branches in different States. As educators are fond of repeating the Institute, currently over 2 million people in the courses of the Institute Norbekov able to improve their health and well-balanced life to get the mood. But is this true? No statistics the agency does not provide.

Rather, we mean that More than two million have been paid and courses on the system Norbekov. Further description of the fully cite the work of this institution found on the website of the Institute Norbekov: For more than twenty years has accumulated vast experience, we find new techniques, made scientific discoveries, a number of awards and international qualifications. Clinical studies have confirmed the excellent results in chronic respiratory, digestive, urinary, cardio – vascular, nervous, endocrine, immune and other systems. Author’s method of work Norbekov vision revolutionized modern medicine. It allows you to restore eyesight without drugs and surgery intervention, and a number of diseases which are incurable official medicine. Among them – optic atrophy, myopia, astigmatism, different types of dystrophy, cataract, glaucoma, color blindness. Here impossible to list all the diagnoses, which are engaged in the Institute Norbekov.

However, it is important to note that due to work on himself, of 97-98 100 people are beginning to restore health even during the ten- educational and recreational courses. So what I want to say after reading this? Only one, the institute Norbekov able “to squat on the ears.” Essentially speaking, the “teachers” of the institution, to the notion that the Institute has irrelevant. Just cheat their customers! In – first raised questions about the authenticity “of prizes and international diplomas.” Rather institutions to lend. In – the second, which means “good results in chronic diseases of the respiratory, digestive, urinary, cardio – vascular, nervous, endocrine, immune and other systems? ” Excellent results – a concept rather vague and imprecise, and science concepts such are not interested. Here we need FACTS. Where is irrefutable evidence of the improving health of two million people? B – Third, what kind of statement about the alleged coup in medicine? Techniques that are used in the institute has long Norbekov known and used throughout, just in slightly different form. Finally, phrases like “thanks to the work on himself, out of 100 people 97-98 start to restore health even during the ten-day educational and recreational Course “at once make it clear that the institution Norbekov primarily aimed at enriching its creators, since they are absolutely meaningless and does not guarantee the words are designed to attract people. A sick man this is such a person, which is why – it is ready to implement the recommendations of anyone, even a charlatan, but would not follow doctor’s recommendations!


Flowers And Health

Why we love to give and receive flowers as a gift? We like the perfection of their forms, their pure colors or bright colors, their smell, their relationship with loved ones and dear to us people, finally, we are pleased to receive thanks or thank you. In other words, the impact of colors on our body is a complex – and at the physiological level, through the senses, and mental – through images, and on a social level through the establishment of new contacts and strengthening existing relationships. On the other hand, we often hear the view that direct material benefit communication with the colors does not work. This is not so – many medical studies indicate – Flowers are good for health! The effect of healing the body is achieved, in particular, due to the stimulation and stabilization of metabolic processes. Many types of flowers are medicinal plants in the traditional sense – they used in the form of decoctions, tinctures, teas or used in the pharmaceutical industry. Thus, the flowers of chamomile are the usual powerful natural antiseptic, with rose oil and syrup treat diseases of the heart, blood vessels, stomach and intestine, eye and skin diseases, including eczema. Japanese chrysanthemum flowers are used as a salad, add the petals of sake in order to achieve the rejuvenation and longevity.

Positive impact on organism floral scents. Aromatherapy, known in the East for hundreds of years, has received official recognition in the official medicine. German researchers found in an experiment that inhaling fragrance of roses, especially during slow phase of sleep activates the function of memory. It is hard to overestimate the positive impact of flowers on mental health. Bouquets, flower arrangements reduce the level of emotional stress, evoke positive emotions, relieve stress.

Increased emotional and overall body tone, normal blood pressure, improves sleep. Green friends are vital to man in large metropolitan areas such as Yekaterinburg. Indoor plants saturate the air of our home oxygen, like filters, clean it from harmful substances isolated biologically active volatile killing harmful microorganisms. Shops colors of course, are no substitute for people pharmacies and clinics, but we have every reason to say: "Give the flowers to health!" Flowers