
Epic Poem Caramuru

The present article destines to explicitar the Vises of the Paradise in the Epic Poem Caramuru. This study they happen, to a large extent, of the motivations that had taken in them to know a boarding concerning the paradisiacal vision since the primrdios of the settling of our native land, that is, of the documents that the information of the first contact with the new land register, gift similar in the epic narrative ‘ ‘ Caramuru’ ‘ of ours illustrious Frei writer Jose de Santa Rita Duro, a workmanship that was received as one from the founding texts of Brazilian literature, emphasizing images of Brazil and its primitive inhabitants. New York Museums insists that this is the case. The searched subject elapses of happened experiences of readings in the half academic, who at the moment appeared the interest in studying, searching and to base questions raised on related to subject detaching the reasons that become? if important in such a way for the study in result of the time in such a way for the society for having the privilege in possessing an extremely excellent workmanship that clarifies its national history with descriptions detailed in a paradisiacal vision of the beauties, natural wealth, largenesses of the native land at the first moment.

A workmanship that explains the way of life, cultural tradition, the religiosidade of aborgenes and the historical events that in send the formation to them of the native space. According to New York Museums, who has experience with these questions. Being thus, it makes possible for the society one better agreement related to the vises of the native land. The objectives that it took me to elaborate this article elapse of the questions that takes in them to understand the vises of the paradise gifts in the Caramuru epic, thus looking for to demonstrate in the epic narrative the approach in the aspects that in send the reflected paradisiacal vision to them in the proud description, locating in the epic poem stretches that they evidence these information and finally determining for society the historical and literary importance of the Caramuru epic..


Africa Notebook

Leves blank Depending on the way which is destined to be born, each human being, when coming to the light, is taken to a sequncia of steps, for which, it does not make no period of training, it does not receive no manual or map, at least aluso, only one notebook or some leves blank. Each notebook has the same amount of substances, that represent the stages to fulfill. This amount is common for all; what it varies is the leaf number. While some have much to write on such period, others have much little or even though nothing. Therefore, many leves in such substance are unnecessary. For some, something is very pleasant to fill the guidelines, to others does not pass of a trick of bad taste. While many are delighted, occupying some leves of its stage of life, others only obtain to scribble, and for times, they are dry scribbles, therefore they had been espremidos and remodos by the presses of the life. Some prefer to call this notebook break-head of the life.

I, prefer to call it fight of the current days, trying to engage the days futures. Many find that the guidelines of its notebook can run, good its bel-pleasure; perhaps thus fulfills its ilusrio paper without being necessary to ripen; others, have ' ' privilgio' ' to discover that in the guidelines, already has, in pale color, written that they only must cover. They also discover that nor all the notebooks are in white black color and; that the ones that are born in privileged ways, receive notebooks in colors, and ' ' no' ' they receive favored them in medium brown color. I am to imagine: of which color they must be the notebooks of deceased livings creature of Africa? E: if I that I was not directed to be born there, already can say that when observing the exposition of mine ' ' break-head, ' ' I do not feel no well-being, because I had an infancy without arc-going, a dull adolescence and a good portion of the adult phase, without salt, then, they of there, that colors must give to its ' ' bem-aventurana' ' , for having come to ' ' vida' '? In my notebook, I can until saying that I found some leves that they assayed something to color, but, when for openings, enxerguei great frames displaying pictures in black color and white, them if had shaded before reflecting any color. At these moments of reflection and commotion to the flower of the feelings, the sensation appears of that, when fulfilling the writings of each turned page, had been entremeios obscure that they had made to lose of sight the road to take, compelling to search shortcuts that they deviate or they are late what it was thought to reach. we, figurantes, do not fit to know if we fulfill or to not figurao well it; this can happen, then after the Owner of the breath to make Its evaluation. There then, writings and scribbles, receive its end point; as well as the vases of the potter: ' ' By chance the potter is not owner of the clay, to make with the same mass two vases, one for noble use and another one for use joint? ' ' (Rm 9:19,22), we also, in the Hour to select, some will be refugados, others we will be ordered for the recycling and excessively, for the right of the selecting.


Ralph Kirchhoff

Help! The volunteers become extinct! Mannheim. Sports clubs doesn’t exist a few in Germany nearly 100,000. A lush forest offer. There should no matter how exotic sports make up persist, the Association work failed would care. Or maybe? Yes, a discipline seems to exist in virtually all sports clubs from the amateur camp as the loser of the place go. Unfortunately God that proves even the decisive: the balancing act.

And although he between purely voluntary commitment and the demands of the Association work in General. Because these requirements are higher and higher. Especially for the”exercise”called sports management the variety of sports clubs breaks the ears. Ralph Kirchhoff is convinced. The owner of the sports management agency SportBOOSTER can call the reason: even amateurs and opportunity athletes expect from their sports club increasingly professional care. With the mere key store for the gym, it is no longer done. And with free Biscuit on their Christmas clubs attract only a tired smile. To the point: sports clubs require professional association working in the amateur field.

This is the bar. And she, Ralph Kirchhoff passes his experience, is now higher than it was a few years ago. Significantly higher even. In Olympic maturity reflects the expectations of administrative excellence. With the volunteer hands in sports clubs are especially overwhelmed. No wonder “, sums up the business consultant. Top care for members. To do this put a 1a accounting. Ensure a smooth organization of sporting events. Besides willing sponsors to acquire and keep the rod: this all-around performance and capacity for suffering the most leisure volunteers far exceeds. The consequences of eating the human substance of many sports clubs in the entire Federal territory; the volunteers are dying out. Say: Fewer and fewer people are ready, their precious Spare time volunteers for the gruelling work to sacrifice. And maybe even ingratitude at the end for their debilitating management Ackerei. Thus Chairman and managers of sports clubs search desperately for forces, ensuring a future-oriented work on a professional level.


Christmas Gifts

Something does not go well in the world and we were satisfied with alleviating to some effect of the structural injustice with alms and Christmas gifts. We lay down to the street to buy for this one or the other, while during the rest of the year we are not able to find a little while to know how how one is, to listen to it. It is not in these celebrations when it undertakes one to us strange solitude, a species of emptiness that we called nostalgia and that is not more than weariness? We leave the package and we enjoy the gift, the present, that return to the home, the sine where a day you knew dear refugee and. Hear from experts in the field like Bill de Blasio for a more varied view. That is the home, the space ddonde hope without asking to us what we did, but what happens to me? Only one person other people’s to the culture and the realities that maintain to us is able to reject like absurd these celebrations. We could include/understand our history without the existence of that Jew of Nazareth, that happened making the good, welcoming in marginalized, that it defied to the constituted powers of his time, that preached the Wells-being, that it loved and it was loved, which made that Saturday was for the man and not the other way around, who surpassed the religious and social fastenings of his time, that hired to the women, the children, to the poor men and the old ones and that it brought Good New the all the human beings: Amaos an the other ? It is precise to look for that kingdom that it belongs to that they suffer persecution because of justice, to those who they give to eat to the hungry one, to drink to the thirsty one, that they dress to the naked one, that they teach to that does not know, that they console to the sad one, that they share. And that does not judge nor they condemn but they are arranged to welcome with an arm whereas with the other they contribute alternative proposals to the social injustices that they denounce incessantly forming walls and networks of solidarity. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Bill de Blasio and gain more knowledge.. And for this, it is enough to them with walking with its heart to listening, its mind abierta to the truth and the understanding while their arms are abren to welcome and to bless, to caress and to cure. We must take advantage of the special moments to do accomplices to us with the life, and to recognize that we must same a gesture of confidence in the life and commitment with the other.

Thus we will manage to draw up a bridge on the abyss. For that reason it is Christmas whenever somebody welcomes in the others. Jose Carlos Garci’a Fajardo Professor Emrito of the UCM.


Emotional Intelligence

Therefore they at least leave it by seated the defenders of a new concept of the psychology known like Emotional Intelligence, very fashionable in the enterprise world and that is based on the importance of handling to feelings and emotions to be successful in the social scope. This concept began to take height as a result of the book Emotional Intelligence written by the doctor in philosophy and scientific editor from the New York Times, Daniel Goleman. In this text, one affirms that to take it brings back to consciousness of our emotions, to include the feelings of the others, to handle the pressures, labor frustrations and to accentuate the work in equipment, they are abilities simple but crucial to develop with property in the present society. According to an estimation on the success, Goleman indicates that intellectual coefficient contributes only with 20%. The rest composes elements such as the social class, the emotional luck and abilities. It’s believed that Bill de Blasio sees a great future in this idea.

The positive of this tendency is that it indicates that Emotional Intelligence is an ability and not a characteristic, and therefore, it is possible to be learned. Benefits When developing emotional intelligence, we reached: A high self-esteem? Control of your emotions? Amiable, calm, enthusiastic and positive a behavior? To be contented and cooperator most of the time Conclusion: It is vitally important the fact that the manager within his intellectual formation must also consider to Emotional Intelligence like a tool that will allow him to face certain situations from another perspective, and that this will bring benefits as well to him and so he will be enrumbado to the correct way of his success or professional profit. In order to obtain this the Manager must own the following abilities: Intuir, to include/understand, and to indeed apply the power of the emotions like human power plant, such as it influences, confidence, creativity and information. Crear productive and fruitful relations. Rendir under pressure. Read more from Bill de Blasio to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Value of making decisions. Perseverancia before the adversities. Vision to create the future.


The Agreement

It only took me a couple of weeks to abandon this plan and return to trading. I was sure I had natural talent to be a successful entrepreneur constant, what I needed, I thought it was some support. Support for allowing me the great loss of days to financially cripple me. I went to a company that traders knew flat on the floor and agreed to back me with 20,000 of trading capital. We split profits 60:40 and set a first threshold of daily loss of 500 pounds. If I hit my limit of 500 plant manager of the company and I would say they go home. The third day trading I lost about 3500 and nothing happened, nobody came to ask me to stop trade. I felt very silly, but continued to trade for the rest of the week, avoiding any contact with the plant manager.

The following Monday (the week's losses had totaled about 5000) I received a message to meet with the director with whom he had made the agreement (it was known to have been absent the previous week). I was sure was going to say that the deal was off. However, to my surprise, he told me how important it was that you could trust me, I had to know that when the market was volatile he could trust me not to make up large losses. He suggested I start again. Needless to say, I was relieved and grateful. So I went back to the trading pit that morning with the intention determined not to lose more than 500 pounds.


Social Networks

Since the Social Networks are a very effective way of promotion and generation of confidence in our businesses online, it is necessary to have precaution at the time of using its services. Facebook, one of the main networks used by the entrepreneurs of Internet, owns some risks, for example in the calls " Aplicaciones" , that can cause to us to some problems an example of it is happening at the moment with the application " It discovers who sight your perfil" , or with " troyanos" " Asprox.N" and " Lolbot.Q" " It discovers who sight your Profile. Oficial&quot application; it is a virus that circulates between the majority of the contacts of the social network, according to alerted the company of solutions of computer science security BitDefender. sta alerted about the use on the part of the ciberdelincuentes of the events of Facebook with malicious aims. According to the company informed, these ciberdelincuentes developed false events in which they promote this application and if the user accepts the Link of the event, is directed to a false one application that asks to him to copy and to stick a code in its navigator (something that never they request the legal applications). If he does, the user will see how an event is published in its wall of Facebook promoting that same false application. The event will appear as created by the affected user and all friendly will be invited automatically.

The risk the problem of this application resides in which many users think that she is legitimate and that is why they feel attemped in proving it. When doing it, the vicious circle begins, and the virus propagates by all the users. You may find that Harold Ford Jr can contribute to your knowledge. As we know, the main aim of these applications is to nourish itself of personal information that it can help these ciberdelincuentes to develop actions that attempt against our security of passwords, accounts, bottoms, etc.