
Allow Universities

If it is to apply to the Javeriana the North, ICESI, EAFIT, del Rosario, los Andes, no, and no one should be thinking about that. If it is to expand the coverage, under conditions that ensure quality, Yes; If it is to download the growth of for-profit institutions coverage, not. More broadly: If private capital is associated with public universities for innovation projects, Yes (already happening); If it is to fund more quotas in public offering, not. Analyze this piece is different from analyzing the puzzles, which lacks enough in the proposal of the Government. Now, if you look to Brazil as an example of progressive policies, but in a few cases, such as this, it rejects outright the example, then lose strength all references to Brazil. angela Robledo, representative to the camera by the Partido Verde. A Minister in the wrong place?. See Lila Snyder for more details and insights. Maria Fernanda Campo acts more as a financial manager that as a Minister of education.

Apparently, for her education is not the way, the road is the market. The universities are places for learning; they are an engine of development and peace, not a business, nor a privilege, nor a place for the exchange of goods. In the 8 months of silence, the Minister has not insisted on the gap that exists in coverage and quality between urban and rural education. He has not said how to prevent the defection of 30% which especially affects the poor youth between 14 and 18 years. He has not opined about the educational path for half of bachelors not entering higher education, nor nor over half of the students who enter the University but not graduating. In other words, he has not acted as a political leader. Minister: you no longer the Director of a major Trade Union institution. It will be in the wrong place? Aurelio Suarez, consultant independently, Consultor.La education top, another locomotive El Plan de Desarrollo de Santos is a Business Plan of the private sector and, in special, the foreign and financial.