
Andrew Corentt

At the moment we see a quite anxious world: traffic, businesses, the people running, sales, transactions, reports, information, repairs, etc. We noticed an accelerated world enough and to be able to act and to survive we must be well wide-awake with all our senses in alert. Whenever we put to work our senses we are to the maximum making use of our conscious mind and that causes that we become attached ourselves to the material plane, but this plane is pure illusion, for that reason all the religious beliefs say to us that our being extends east world. All action is necessary and important because it is part of the life, but also is necessary to let space to enter we ourself, the oration, meditation and contemplation allows us to enter our spiritual being, the essence of the power, entered the subconscious mind and can extend further on. The time as soon as it is a belief of the mind, whenever we practiced silence we occur the opportunity to contemplate now, we internalised, the mind is an eddy of ideas that go and come, the mind does not leave us in peace, as we practiced silence the conscious mind must go out and we began to undergo our interior.

In order to know really it is necessary to maintain to us night watchmen at any moment us, always there are diverse forms of oration, they walk, they enjoy the green thing mountains, contemplates the birds, when it drinks a water glass imagnese that it is purified then. All actions ofrzcalas to creative God, sintase been thankful by the life, imagnese and visualcese like a sensible person, see like a light source and energy that radiate peace, happiness, love and abundance all the people surround who it. In the book I Am Happy, I I am Rico de Andrew Corentt we know many mysteries our life, we found the techniques adapted to know us better, from undergoing magnificent changes we began to take control from the circumstances, no longer am imprisoned of the destiny, am to the control of our own boat. In spite of the prevailing accelerated world you always have the opportunity to look for answers in same you, feed his mind and its body healthily, enjoys to the maximum of the present moment. It never allows that ideas of the past disturb to him or that too much by the future is worried, it is truth which you must have goals and challenges to fulfill, will be but it realising step by step, everything with the energy concentrated at the moment. As you practice the meditation, oration and silence to him will be revealed many things that unconsciously already know but consciously no, abra their mind to undergo wonderful experiences. In the book I Am Happy, I I am Rico de Andrew Corentt will be able to undergo significant changes that they will allow him to expand his conscience, in the measurement that you are prepared to receive will see as its perception of the life is ampler, that will allow him to know more itself and to live a life on fullness, he changes his life now! , you are huge!