

Jaime Gil de Biedma is born in Barcelona the 13 from November from 1929 and passes away in the same city the 8 of January of 1990. He studies Right in Barcelona and Salamanca, in whose University license in 1951. His first poems, under the title of According to sentence of the time, appeared in 1953. Later it publishes posthumous Fellow travellers, Moralities and Poems. Regardless of these books they also appear in his bibliography some compilations and separatas, that contain picked up poems or in mentioned books, or unpublished; thus, for example, In favor of Venus or Four poems morals. An edition determined by the author of all poems until 1969 and titled particular Collection remained in the publishing cellars, when prohibiting itself the distribution of the book in covachuelas censorias. Finally, a total edition of its poetry, written down by the author, has appeared with the title of the people of the verb. Biedma also publishes an extensive critical test titled Song: the world and the poetry of Jorge Guilln and a part of memories, with the Newspaper title of the seriously ill artist.

They exceed its function of prologues, the introductions to Metropolitan, of Carlos Barral, and the joint edition of Ocnos and Variations on Mexican subject, Luis Cernuda. Their T.S work translations are remarkable. Eliot and of Christopher Isherwood. The best Jaime Gil de we found it Biedma in the voice it jeopardize with the working class, the one that the poet makes him watch from a more positive angle the human mass, because in spite of their urban individualism, the other are a presence whose problems are not to him indifferent: There am now the pain/the other, of many,/pain many others, pain so many men,/the ocean of Aryan men Francisco Soli’s Where the freedom dwells, there is my mother country. XIII Poetic Festival by La Paz and the Freedom dedicated to Benedetti.