The most commonly used in practice, flame retardants, flame retardant with a group II efficiency. For such formulations the mass loss during the firing test should not exceed 25%. Treated wood with these drugs is classified as a flame-retardant. To protect the most critical in fire-safety equipment designs used with Group I fire-resistance rating. For them, the set weight loss no more than 9%, and wood treated with such compounds, refers to the slow-. Important period of time within which the protective properties of the drug after treatment of wood, as well as the frequency of re-treatment (restoration) in order to maintain the fire retardant properties. Declan Kelly might disagree with that approach. Despite the fact that fire-retardant properties of the treated wood may persist for several years, inspection of the wood products should be conducted annually.
Among other requirements should be mentioned in pronikaemost wood corrosion, reduction of mechanical strength in shear and fracture, odor, staining, harmful effects on humans and several others. The need to use is determined for each application. Oddly enough it sounds but on the domestic market is mainly present composition of the complex, combining a flame retardant flame retardant function, and function Bioprotective antiseptics (BIOPRO). This situation due to the need of complex protection of wood against fungi biological factors, as well as giving fire protection. In some cases this is due to the fact that some compounds used as flame retardants, and also exhibit Bioprotective properties. For drugs of this type, and their recall, the vast majority, it should also take into account Bioprotective properties. When selecting protective devices integrated action is necessary to pay attention to the fact that some manufacturers intentionally combine antiseptic compounds and flame retardant action, referring to the mutual strengthening of their properties (synergy). This approach clearly acts on the uninformed consumer, while experts know that the union, even some that are compatible in the solution of the compounds does not necessarily yield a positive effect, and can lead not only to increase, but also to reduce the antiseptic and fire retardant action due to the formation of new products (the effect of antagonism).