
Creating Synergy

Virtual Community launches new entrepreneurial concept of synergy for collaborative projects by analyzing business cases in which always detects and exposes the key to its success. is a place where there are countless references to new and original projects that can serve as a starting point for various projects. Is an online community where you can access to cases that are performing well. As the diamond to the remains of our loved ones, property sales on the moon, the creation and sale of a principality, etc. Etc., in itself, a compendium of original ideas that can be very inspiring to awaken our ingenuity and power to do something surprising and successful in keeping to our circumstances. The community also offers short, practical articles written by prominent persons and those who can access the wisdom of the likes of Aristotle Onassis, J.

Paul Getty, Eugenio Garza Sada, etc. The author Roger Martin in his book "The Opposabe Mind", he mentions that according to common wisdom, if you want to succeed as undertaken, it is advisable to read the biographies of Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Warren Buffet and Carlos Slim, learned what they did and act accordingly. Categorically, Martin says this is a mistake, basically because the circumstances of each person are different. Instead, it recommends "understanding" as you think these people and learn from it, making a transfer to our particular circumstances, but never copying their work patterns. be looking for exactly the breeding ground where they share knowledge, concepts and ideas to generate change the way companies do business in the future, looking for different paths. is a community of business improvement based on: – Publication and case studies and resources. – Study of companies that are changing the way we do business. – Messages of wit. – Shared development project. – Inspiration and synergy.. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of IAC on most websites.