ebam Academy their full time education in Berlin to provide from autumn 2009 the ebam business offers their full-time education “Event management assistant (IHK)” in Berlin Academy. Beginning of September presents the young profession and the ebam alternative to the purely operational training in an information event. The event and event industry is an attractive profession for young people and school leavers: tempts you with parties and celebrities. But hard work behind the beautiful facade. The diverse tasks of event merchants and women accept and what opportunities they have, opened the information event of the ebam Academy on September 1, 2009 at the ebam seminar Center in Berlin Center. At the start of his full-time education event management assistant (IHK) “in Berlin early October informed the institutions about the young apprenticeship.” In its information event, the ebam team opened the application area event professionals young people in vocational orientation and way entrants. This ranges from trade fair companies and Congress centres, event agencies, companies for event technology, catering companies, hotels and restaurants with event area, municipal cultural agencies and offices for city marketing.
Also, the ebam Academy illustrates what demands the design, organize and prepare for events. As a Variant to the in-company training, the educational institution presents his full-time training, 14 months combined teaching with a period of internship and the intense preparation for the final examination at the Chamber of Commerce. The training period varies depending on the professional training between two and three years. At the end of the national vocational qualification is event management assistant (IHK) “.” Our participants deliberately opt for a schooling with a meaningful proportion of specialist knowledge and useful tips. The experience so far with our full-time training in other locations shows that this determination pays off: already during the internship, which provides our training program, our get “Trainees interesting job offers”, stresses Michele Claveau, Managing Director of the ebam Business Academy. The full time training event management assistant (IHK) “will start on October 5, 2009 for the first time in Berlin.