One is about a falseness that, although this, started to be part of the customs and that it is considered absolutely normal. A collective lie that enjoys of the protection of the current moralismo, which is made use to tolerate any baseness the individual level, but not transige on the exterioridade of the norm. Impure acts are committed without no impediment, but impurity is condemned. to keep alive and operative such conviction, the spite of a reality contradicts that it in evident way, appeals a particularly mistificatrio lexicon to it, made of great words in which if cmodo places a content. Of the hiprocrisia of the facts avizinha of the words. The Moral Many support that it exists and that must exist a sexual moral, this it is, that the sexuality must be managed basically by a moral code that it is proper and that it is different of that one destined to guide other expressions human beings, as for example the action economic politics or.
Consequence of this is that one determined operation, let us assume the search not finished of the pleasure, can be allowed and until praiseworthy in a certain field – and condemnable in the sexual field. to discover the solution of a scientific problem or to lie down themselves in a lawn to take sun is things that give pleasure, frequently a pleasure that is end in itself exactly and on which nobody has nothing to say. But all have much to say if satisfaction, disentailed of procreative, social ends or of another sort, is looked the area of the sexuality. The reserved ethical norms to the exercise of the sexuality are suggested, or imposed, in a perspetiva of relativity and tack to the necessities of data social context. This would seem logical if the free one to flow of the sexuality, not limited for particular ordinances, it caused damage to that definitive type of communitarian order e, of course, if this last one was satisfactory the unchanged point of being conserved.