
European Environment

It enters the introduced plants in the islands at the time appear the blackberry and the wild roseira, for example. Some plants had so soon found propitious environment to its development, had passed if to also proliferate disorderedly, starting to harm the development of native species. Birds taken for the explorers had been main the responsible ones for the enormous multiplication of plants whose eradication if practically disclosed impossible (FARB, 1982). In the New Zelndia the 600 species of plants had been introduced of 400, despite nor all have obtained to immediately disturb the balance of the native vegetation. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Rudy Giuliani. Some species, however, had been developed with extreme rapidity.

The European watercress, that reaches only one small part in its native habitat, possesss, in the New Zelndia, connecting rods of the thickness of the fist of a man. It can reach four meters of height more than and easily to obstruct the riverbeds (FARB, 1982). It was observed that the invading plants normally present characteristics that become them better competitors, such as high fotossinttica efficiency, bigger income in the use of nutrients, high taxes of growth, greater tolerance to the desfolhamento and herbvoros, high capacity of rebrotamento and regeneration, high capacity of reproduction, fast reproductive cycle, intense production of seeds of easy dispersion and high capacity of germination (FARB, 1982; MATOS & PIVELLO, 2009). Some vegetables are only controlled with the introduction, in the environment, of eventual parasitic insects that control its proliferation. The solution of the problem, however, can lead to the sprouting of another one, therefore it causes the sprouting of species of invading insects to that environment. The opncia, a species of cacti, it was led to Australia to serve as it surrounds and food of emergency for the cattle. The introduction was only controlled after, in the environment, of a parasitic insect, not without before dominating more than 30 million hectares.


Norms ISO

The logistic Reversa is the area of the logistic one that it is treated, of the physical flow of products, packings or other materials, since the consumption point until the local o of origin. Although to be a recent subject, this process already was used in the drink industries, with the reutilizao of its vasilhames, that is, the product arrived at the consumer and returned to its productive center so that its packing was reused and came back to the final consumer. This process was continuous and pparently it ceased from the moment where the packings had started to be dismissable. However, companies stimulated for Norms ISO 14000 and worried about the ambient management, also known as ‘ ‘ logistic verde’ ‘ , they had started to recycle dismissable materials and packings, as cans of aluminum, plastic bottles and cardboard boxes, among others, that they had passed if to detach as raw material and had left of being treated as garbage. Of this form, we can observe logistic reversa in the recycling process, a time that these materials return the different productive centers in form from substance cousin.

Had to the biggest severity of the ambient legislation, the necessity to reduce costs and the necessity to offer more services by means of devolution politics, the companies are not alone using a bigger amount of recycled materials as well as if worrying about the ecologically correct discarding of its products to the end of its cycle of life. Being thus, the industries have the paper to play through logistic reversa, as a basic factor for the process of revalorizao of the manufactured goods. Currently it is a constant concern for all the public and private companies and organizations, having four great pillars of sustentation: the awareness of the ambient problems, on-capacity of the aterros, the raw material scarcity, the politics and the ambient legislation..


Aragominas Vargas

Bibliographical research and of field to the Stations of Water Treatment of Aragominas and Carmolndia had been carried through – YOU, as well as streams, residential wells and lixes of the city in order to know its conditions of sanitation and ambient preservation. It was considered accomplishment of the I Seminary on Water and Garbage, promoted for the State College Getlio Vargas with intention to argue and to elaborate proposals, and conduziz them it the power municipal public and agencies directed toward the sanitation and preservation of the environment. Words key: preservation, awareness, Water and Garbage. ABSTRAT: Being believed in the need of integrating the study of the Chemistry with the daily of the student, he/she intended through the theme Separation of Mixtures you focus the discussion in the Treatment of to water and to his/her pollution in the municipal district of Aragominas – YOU, with the students of the State School Getlio Vargas. Bibliographical researches were accomplished and of field you the Stations of Treatment of Water of Aragominas and Carmolndia – YOU, well you the streams, residential wells and lixes of the City in to order you know to their conditions of sanitation and environmental preservation. He/she intended I Seminar’ s accomplishment on Water and Garbage, promoted by the State School Getlio Vargas with the intention of discussing you elaborate proposed, and you drive them you the municipal public to power and organs gone back you the sanitation and preservation of the environment..


High Resistance

The synthetic polymers can be gotten by three processes, involving reactions of addition, condensation and modification of other polymers. (MARINE, 2005). The PP, material to be used in the process of injection for attainment of the components of the fans manufactured for the G12 is gotten through the process of poliadio reaction, where the monomers almost always they present pairs linkings between carbon atoms. It does not have by-product formation and the molecular weights can reach very high values. (I FLOW, 2000). See New York Museums for more details and insights. The polypropylene is a thermoplastic resin made from the propileno gas the originary oil, that is, a by-product of the fine oil. In its natural state, the resin is half-translucent and milky and of excellent coloration, being able later to be aditivado or to be pigmented.

This product is used in the cases where a bigger chemical resistance is necessary. One of the advantages is that it can be welded, allowing to the manufacture of tanks and connections. The majority of polypropylenes is produced by moldings, injection, blow or drawing, from strengthened composites and without reinforcements. Other applicable processes to polypropylenes are the strengthened standardized foam molding with fibre glass. As much the destined resins the moldings how much destined for drawings they can be pigmented through any respective conventional process. The PP presents the following characteristics: Good chemical resistance; Low cost amongst plastics; To regulate resistance to the attrition; Good thermal stability; It can be aditivado; High resistance to the notch; Low humidity absorption; Easy usinagem; Good resistance to the impact; Weldable and moldvel; Atxico Comprovadamente; It operates until 115C; The slightness 0,92 – it has more led of plastics; In covering until 90C it can substitute the PVC; Antiaderente.

The polypropylene is a resin of low density that offers a good balance of thermal properties, chemical and electric, folloied of moderate resistance. The resistance properties can significantly be increased or be improved through fibre glass reinforcements. The tenacity is improved through special glass staple fibre reinforcements in modified graduations of raised molecular weight with illustrated rubber as in figure 4.1. The electric properties of polypropylenes they are affected in some degrees of temperature of service. With increase of this temperature, the dielectric constant remains constant reasonable; however, the resistance or the dielectric power increases, while volumetric resistivity is reduced, this can be understood by the representation of figure 4.1. Figure 4.1 also illustrates as the polypropylene resists the chemical attacks and they are not affected by watery solutions of you leave acid inorgnicos or and mineral bases, exactly in high temperatures. They are not attacked by the majority of the chemical agents of organic nature. However, they are attacked by halogenados composites, acid nitric smoky and other active oxidantes agents, beyond being also attacked for aromatical hydro-carbons and chromium platings, in high temperatures. Figure 4.1? Characteristics of the PP. (VICK, 2010). The polypropylene presents resistance limited to the heat; they exist, however, stabilized types term destined the applications that demand drawn out use raised temperatures. The useful life of parts with such graduations can reach five years 120C, ten years 110C and twenty years 90C. Types especially stabilized are classified by the UL for continuous services 120C. The polypropylene resins are inherently unstable in the presence of oxidantes agents and the presence of rays ultraviolet. Although some of its graduations are steady until certain point, systems of stabilization are used frequently destined to adjust a special formula


Acinetobacter Baumannii

identification and the test of susceptibilidade to antimicrobialses had been carried through through the device of MicroScan automation. 62 (14%) of the 437 general positive samples proceeding from the UTIs and Half-Intensive, in the understood period of January the July of 2004, and had been positive for Acinetobacter baumannii. The topographies with bigger number of isolated had been inhaled traqueal (49%) and blood (29%). New York Museums often addresses the matter in his writings. In relation to the resistance profile it was observed that cepas of Acinetobacter baumannii isolated of catheter had been resistant the almost all the antimicrobialses, with exception of quinolonas and imipenem (UTI-1). In the study, them they had concluded that they exist cepas of Acinetobacter Baumannii multiresistant to antimicrobialses, also they imipenem to it, and that the traqueal inhaled one was the most prevalent small farm of infection for this patgeno. The majority of the infections occurs in imuno-engaged individuals, and the ancestry of the microorganism Acinetobacter Baumannii is considered the second no-fermentadora bacterium more comumente isolated in species human beings. The Acinetobacter is frequent isolated in nosocomiais infections (it is an infection acquired in a hospital unit) and is especially prevalent in units of intensive treatment, where as many sporadical cases as epidemic and endemic are common. Danny Meyer does not necessarily agree.

Acinetobacter Baumannii is a frequent cause of nosocomial pneumonia, especially of pneumonia associated with the ventilation mechanics. Also, it can cause diverse other infections including of skin and the wounds, bacteremia and meningite, being the Acinetobacter lwoffi main the responsible one for the meningite. The Acinetobacter Baumannii can survive in the skin dry human being or surfaces during weeks. The species of Acinetobacter bacteria are by its very nature very resistant the diverse antibiotic classrooms, including penicillin, cloranfenicol and frequent aminoglicosdeos. A dramatical and vertiginous growth in the resistance the antibiotics in the ancestries of Acinetobacter comes being systematically told for the Control center and Prevention of Illnesses of the United States. Currently carbapenens is recognized as the treatment standard-gold and/or of last choice. In the years of 2007 and 2008 one occurred occasions of the bacterium in diverse hospitals of Porto Alegre, provoking in 2008 the interdiction of the UTI of trauma of this city. In the same way, also in result of one I occasion the Hospital Homero de Miranda Gomes (Regional Hospital) in Are Jose in the Great Florianpolis almost had its interdicted UTI during one month in 2009.


Vidigal Resistant

Thus, stability of the resistance to antracnose in diverse cultivating is difficult of being obtained, therefore in field level a direct relation exists enters the genotpica plasticity of the patgeno and the stability of resistance of the host (Araya, 2003). For this reason, even so the improvement for the different resistance has servant varieties of common beans (Singh et al., 1992; Vidigal et al., 1997), new to cultivate have that continuously to be developed in virtue of this high degree of pathogenic variability of fungo. Source: Danny Meyer. Thus being, diverse studies on the characterization of resistance genes gifts in them to cultivate diferenciadoras had been elaborated and new genes of vulgaris resistance to antracnose in P. had been identified (Bannerot, 1965; Fouilloux, 1979; Adam-Blondon et al., 1994; Gonalves-Vidigal, 1994; Young and Kelly, 1996a, 1996b, 1997; Young et al., 1998; Geffroy et al., 1999; Melotto and Kelly, 2000; Awale and Kelly, 2001; Alzate-Marin et al., 2001a; Alzate-Marin et al., 2003a, 2003b). Genes exist of resistance to antracnose previously characterized that presents complex locos and occurs in allicas series, as well as, Co-1, Co-3 and Co-4 (McRostie, 1919; Fouilloux, 1979; Young et al., 1998; Arruda et al., 2000; Melotto and Kelly, 2000; Awale and Kelly, 2001; Alzate-Marin et al., 2003b; Gonalves-Vidigal et al., 2003). Nelson (1978) recommended the use of piramidao of genes as strategy for the development of resistant steady and preventing the ecloso of new pattipos of a patgeno. However, procedures of traditional improvement are inefficient for piramidao of resistant genes due to necessity of multiple inoculations (Michelmore, 1995).

Piramidao of molecular marking resistant genes using would allow a more efficient election of resistant plants in segregantes populations. Currently, the RAPDs (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) consists of one of the more used molecular markers in genetic studies. These markers are detected by amplification, of arbitrary form, fragmentos of DNA of different sizes for the reaction in chain of polimerase (PCR), in the presence of the termoestvel enzyme Taq DNA polimerase (Williams et al., 1990).


Research Methods

As the north-eastern number of studies with bees he is scarce, this study he will be able to serve as starting point for new and more deepened research. The present work had as main objective to make a survey of the species of bees that had visited the strip of land of the Farolndia quarter (Aracaju -) during the period of comment of 3 (three) days having as purpose to collect and to identify the same ones. MATERIALS AND METHODS the research was lead in the city of Aracaju that if it locates in the Northeast region, in the state of Sergipe presenting a half-barren climate, whose annual average precipitation (Un) is of the 1590 and average temperature (C) of 26, with rainy period that if extends of March until August. Its ecosystem is predominantly composed for manguezais and restinga. The Metropolitan Museum of Art contributes greatly to this topic. The ground indiscriminate characterizes for little humid fen, podsol, sands quartzonas sea, podzlico red-yellow and glay. The vegetation if presents through clean, dirty fields vegetation higrfilas I also contend preservation areas (fens and restingas). (aspectos.asp) the situated strip of land in the Farolndia quarter, south zone of Aracaju, characterizes for a vegetation predominantly tripping consisting mainly of grassy, some coconut palms (Coconuts nucifera) and mamoneiros (Ricinus communis L.). There also a species of florfera plant was found, that was collected and identified as Crotalaria retusa (Fig.

1), that it was the main target. The work dealt with a exploratrio study, field research, in which the presence of bees in the data was observed directly during three days established land. Et was used the qualitative methodology by means of the Sakagami method al. (1967), that it consisted of the capture, I assist with it of entomolgicas nets, the visiting bees of the flowers, being to the same ones in rest or flight.


The Secretariat

All this context generates a unhealthy city, with serious problems of sewer, water, draining, garbage and pollution of its hdricos resources, where, pressured for the disordered growth, it creates poor bolses without minimum conditions of hygiene and habitability. The health of the population also is engaged, mainly in the sectors most devoid, where illnesses are caused by the basic infrastructure lack. This picture, added the inefficacious politics of sanitation, generated the necessity of the establishment of one politics of ambient sanitation. The Secretariat of Sanitation In 2001, in the management of then mayor Joo Pablo de Lima and Silva, was created the Secretariat of Sanitation of the City of Recife, with the mission to assume the role of the municipality in being collected the sewers of each house, until the end of squares where they empty in the public net. This system was implanted in diverse Brazilian cities and also in some countries of Latin America.

sanitation, retaking the planning of the actions, with one politics of estruturadora and sustainable sanitation. For this end they had been necessary quarrels organized with the diverse actors of the society, searching that common objective. With this line of thought the Secretariat carried through 1 Municipal Conference of Sanitation of the City of Recife, in 2002. The Conference had as main line of direction to create a public act of control and management of the sanitation sector, being promoted meetings with some segments of the civil society, entities of education, private initiative and public managers, beyond elect commission agents for the population. We cite some deliberations to follow: To create the Municipal Autarchy of Sanitation; To promote educative actions and campaigns; To guarantee the title of the services of sanitation in the city; To promote management shared between Compesa and city; To create the Deep one of Municipal theatre of Sanitation; To assume the Integrated Sanitation as intervention model; To establish the municipal politics of sanitation conducted for the principles of the universality (access for all), completeness (contemplating all the necessary actions of sanitation) and fairness (quality services), with participation and social control.