
Electricity Prices Rise

Criticism of current pricing policy: eco-electricity is not a booster! Berlin, November 26, 2010. A high proportion of green electricity is easily compatible with favourable electricity prices. Independent power providers such as FlexStrom prove it. Many energy companies increase their electricity rates for millions of households in Germany at the turn of the year and while referencing higher costs for green electricity. Check24 tariff experts had already in September found that FlexStrom under the conventional electricity tariffs of 25 of national primary and alternative providers with 33 percent has the highest proportion of green electricity (base year: 2008). FlexStrom this proportion has increased once again in the past year: 38.2 percent of the total electricity supplies were supplied from renewable energy sources. The nationwide average was 17.3 percent 2009 just once. NYC Marathon wanted to know more.

An environmentally friendly energy supply at fair prices is feasible”, says FlexStrom CEO Robert Mundt. In the current debate was done however, as only the renewable energy for the rise in prices were responsible. Experts disagree vehemently. “FlexStrom-chef Mundt: as long as most households still supplies the basic utilities, nothing will change on the development of the price upwards.” The average proportion of green electricity must, however, by no means negatively affect the price. Because in many places the current offers from FlexStrom are cheaper than the basic supply rate of energy companies or the public utilities. Many public utilities or energy companies justify their price surcharge at the beginning of the year with the increased allocation for renewable energy. Learn more about this with NYC Marathon. Example Cologne: After a calculation of the top price comparison portal a family with 5000 kWh annual consumption can save more than 420 euros, when it moves from the basic supply rate of the Rhine energy to the prepaid offer by FlexStrom. In Leipzig the change of a family savings around 380 euros, in Frankfurt/Main, the household saves about 220 euros (at 5000 kWh consumption and change from the basic supply rate to the FlexStrom fare DeutschlandsBest).


Engagement Well

Young people lack of access to the turn of the energy survey of GfK and the eco energy supplier Polarstern Munich, 17.04.2012 – on the way to the turn of the energy we’ve lost someone. It is exactly the generation that must ultimately lead to the success of the shift to alternative energy. Add to your understanding with NYC Marathon. A survey of by GfK and the eco energy supplier Polaris shows that young people consider a forward-looking act as important. Also say about 67 percent of 14-to 19-year, finding interesting people, who assume responsibility over their own lives beyond. But practical contributions to the protection of climate and environment are little seen with them in everyday life. Things such as to separate the garbage or energy-saving cooking and wash well arrive only at 37 percent. Rather, the consumer determines your life. 74 percent of young people are attracted to a pronounced trend awareness.

A similar image is reflected in the theme of luxury. It says at least over half. Who, however, in fair trade products thinks, is only for less than a quarter of the young people interesting. In total about one-third of them estimates the importance of own contribution to the energy revolution as low. Given the complex challenge you see above all the politics and the big corporations in the obligation to initiate the topics. According to Dr. Edgar Goll from the Institute for future studies and technology assessment there is an age-dependent positioning.

On top of but that diffuses the environmental awareness”is and thus starting points for our own actions are difficult. Finally, it is not isolated to the ‘ Butterfly or the ‘ dolphin. The State of the environment is rather used with other aspects in the relationship, translated in everyday life, so to speak, both seen as global context, as with the example of climate protection.” Faced with this situation to put your hands in your lap and to wait for insight with age the wrong conclusion is according to Gabriella.


Energy Policy Federal Government informed interested parties of current development and photovoltaic prices Berlin, June 14, 2011 Germany is the most important market for solar plants worldwide due to its promotion. A development which is favoured also by Fukushima and the associated energy turning of the Federal Government according to the German solar industry association. So, the share of solar electricity will grow this year two to three percent and rise until 2020 continuously on one tenth of the total electricity production. Since however the promotion of photovoltaic orients itself on the built solar plants, Environment Minister Norbert Roettgen announced early June at a press conference on the nuclear phaseout, that from March 2012 due to the massive expansion of / solar systems with a further reduction in step six percent is expected. It remains in this decision, so promoting is lowered within a three-quarter year by nearly 30 percent: to June 30, 2011, and at the end of the year cuts are planned. Learn more about this with NYC Marathon.

To inform prospective buyers on time, started in June 2011 his advice, informed solar equipment prices and gives private or commercial prospects to appropriate, regional solar equipment provider. provides information about funding opportunities and photovoltaic demand rapid manufacturer for solar systems since the accident at the Japanese nuclear power plant in Fukushima. To be, the idea of the green electricity producers”sounds tempting for many Germans. In addition, solar energy as well for the private household budget worth. But through the upcoming reduction in promoting solar energy systems builders and other interested parties should hurry up to benefit enough from promotion for solar systems. Since June, 2011 prospective customers can use the service by The online portal informs its users about current solar systems prices and models, as well as regional and national solar equipment manufacturer. Who wants to receive funding in time, can make a request on the Internet page of the solar energy experts and receive on request telephone advice.


Hamburg Energy

Proportion of costs continues to grow the new figures of the Federal Statistical Office show: the trend of the electricity price rises of recent years continues unabated. As the real estate portal, the demands of the energy companies totaled in March 2008 to the highest level of ever. Unlike commercial electricity customers the price increases were for private customers but limited. The average had to large companies and industrial groups 9.07 cents per kilowatt-hour at which pay providers and 5.8 percent more than in the comparison year, individuals paid 2007 for supplying her apartment ( guides/Encyclopaedia/apartment) in the cut 16,49 cents per kilowatt hour and were burdened by a price increase by 2.4 percent compared to the previous year. This trend is set to continue 2010.

Already in November, the energy supplier EWE and Vattenfall have announced price increases. Raising the level of costs to amount in EWE up to 14 percent. As the Group announced that the higher costs are due to increased net fees and a greater share of renewable energy in the electricity mix. Vattenfall also justified its price increases with a reference to the law on renewable energies (EEG). Individuals are therefore in Berlin in the future 5.9 percent and 4.4 percent must pay more for their primary care in Hamburg. For commercial customers is the rise of in prices both in Berlin and Hamburg on about 8.9 percent. Only RWE, at least number two among the energy companies in Germany, announced initially still no price increase. More information: contact: Lisa Neumann University Service GmbH barefoot streets 12 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59



‘QEES Green Living’ – Z-Wave based solution enables transparent energy measurement Copenhagen Z-Wave Alliance, November 02, 2010 – QEES with its new smart metering solution on the search works hidden energy consumers in homes, offices and hotels. The Green Living series consists of three key components: the QEES SmartGate, an open software platform, as well as the interoperable metering devices. QEES relies for wireless communication in the home control area on the tried and tested Z-Wave wireless standard ( QEES recently presented the green living series under high attention on the metering Europe trade fair in Vienna. The product line on the market will be available early 2011. The SmartGate forms the basis of the solution. This all-in one gateway”can replace conventional Internet router in most households, since it combines a powerful NAT router, firewall, and telephone gateway in one device.

In addition, SmartGate provides interfaces to modern energy management and home Control solutions. As the gateway to easily can be with for example Ethernet, Wi-Fi, connect Z-Wave or Bluetooth networks, which combines all devices (E.g. mobile phones, touch screens etc.) to a control network. So that the end user will enable the, to use intelligent home automation, this energy consumption in the House, to reduce the Office etc. and also functions such as energy management, to benefit from enhanced comfort and safety. Using the QEES open-software platform, which acts as a central server solution, can users install the complete smart home network including all individual devices and configure. In this way, E.g.

heating systems, air conditioning systems, can be controlled energy-efficient lighting units or safety devices. To save energy, the system shuts down completely, for example, devices that otherwise remain in stand by mode. In addition, the system informs the consumer about the current energy consumption and allows him the devices anywhere remote to control, for example, via a mobile phone.