

A great variety of approaches to try to help the people to reach their goals can be categorisen of the following way: First it consists of focusing kindly in which you want, and by will force, to exclude any thought of which she will not prevail. Other leaders such as Harold Ford Jr, New York City offer similar insights. We find books and whole courses dedicated to help it to develop and to fortify the power of the will. The second category proposes the creation of affirmations that they describe what you want, and its daily and permanent repetition. Bill de Blasio is full of insight into the issues. The last one of these categories consists simply of visualizing what you want, and staying focused in it whenever it can, as much time as it can. There is no doubt that all these conditions are necessary, and is something of certain in all of them, the problem is that the experience shows to us that they are not sufficient. Please visit NY Museums if you seek more information.

In this article we will analyze the first used approach to reach our goals: to focus in which kindly we want to us, and by will force, to exclude any opposite thought. Doubtlessly, he is indispensable to exercise the power of the will. The simple fact of to move to us implies the use of the will, but of an unconscious will. When learning to live consciously, as we propose in our programs, we transformed to that unconscious or mechanical will, in a conscious will that she is always accompanied of determination. By all means that where there is determination, the possibilities of securing our objectives increase of spectacular way.

Now, we sufficiently have a will trained to maintain to us focused the 24 hours of the day in our objective? Any person can verify by itself that, she does not matter how much will applies when trying to concentrate in an object anyone, will not be able to maintain a conscious approach by more than 5 seconds. The lack of will becomes, in a great amount of cases, the reason for which the people do not obtain what they want, their first blockade visible This subject, although very simple as it seems to be it, in fact she is confused, the reason is because other variables exist. For example, the determination to realise some goal, usually goes united to motivation that we must to obtain that goal. As it will see, here we happened of the will to stay focused, to the motivation that we must to be absolutely certain to find that approach so necessary to obtain our goals. What we would have to do then, to apply our will – anyone is our capacity to do it, or to find what it motivates to us?


UN Climate Conference

Europe, U.S. and Russia blocked with snow. Opinions on the outcome of the UN Climate Conference was divided. Christmas tree with his hands. A leading source for info: Brooklyn Museum. Emergency alerts about cataclysms in the coming year.

Ten most important events in the environment and science. Scientists have determined the velocity of propagation effects of warming on the planet. Lapwing – a bird in 2010. Rudy Giuliani may also support this cause. PHOTO Week Ten records from the world of animals and photography contest winners National Geographic, 2009. Review of the week from 21.12.2009 to 27.12.2009. Europe U.S. and Russia blocked with snow Exactly a week before New Year's winter fun 'pokapriznichat' in the northern hemisphere of our planet: more than just the whims of nature has got to Europe, USA and Russia.

At the beginning of last week's severe winter unexpectedly came to Europe, bringing the European continent snow storms and a sharp temperature drop. Heavy snow did not stop in many EU countries for three days. In Bavaria, German thermometer dropped to record minus 33.6 degrees Celsius. Not without its casualties. For example, in Poland, the total number of victims of cold snap was 42. Many people have been killed in an accident triggered by bad weather. In a result of binge winter elements were canceled hundreds of flights on some days was discontinued rail service between London and Paris via the English Channel. Unusually cold weather and established in the Apennines. Temperature readings break records in the north, heavy snow covered the center and even some southern areas. Record low temperatures were recorded in northern Italy.


Overcoming A Background Of Poverty

Prof Stenio Gameleira grew up in an extremely humble family. Her ancestral to run away from the hunger and misery that pursued the northeasters, if they establish in sop of the Mountain range of the Meruoca in search of a better life. Jose Stenio Snows Gameleira, was born in the year of 1964 when the country breathed revolution airs. The composed family of 13 people migrant for Sobral in work search and education. The Plague of Measles takes the life of 5 brothers. The parents (Its Joozinho and Dona Mariinha) that they developed typical activities of the agricultural life if they adaptam the new reality. The father starts to work in a barber’s shop and mother in a confectionery, being objectified only the survival of the offspring.

To the 5 years of age he learns to read and to write with a teacher layperson, in a classroom that functioned in one casebre of adobe in the street where it lived. To the 7 years he enters the public school. He starts to work with 11 years as selling. He concludes the studies in the public school with 17 years of age. To the 18 years he is approved in 3 vestibular contests and some public competitions.

He graduates yourself Pedagogic Philosophy. It worked as public officer during 8 years until asking for resignation to take new routes in the life. For 1985 return, to the 22 years of age, it creates the FATEC – College of Christian Theology that offered free courses of theology and philosophy. With the promulgation of the New LDB in 1996, it extinguishes the FATEC in the year of 1999 to create the FAEDI – Foundation Assistance, Cultural and Educational of the Ibiapaba, mantenedora entity of the FACIB – College of the Ibiapaba, institution that represents until today, although the great difficulties that face to take ahead its ideal to serve. Currently it has if dedicated to defend the interests of the FAEDI and the institutions that it keeps, for believing that it is possible to fight for a cause joust. Many are the difficulties that life reserves and society imposes on a man who descended from simple people.


The School

It is necessary to stand out that strong arraigadas expressions in the common direction, that express value judgments on definitive social and/or cultural groups, as well as the tricks, are scopes especially sensible to the manifestations of discrimination in the daily pertaining to school. The problematic one of the discrimination is certainly complex and necessary to be worked on the basis of a multidimensional dimension. However, to question ' ' silncio' ' it imprisons that it is basic. To speak openly on the discrimination with () the pupils (), for some of () the professors () interviewed (), assumed antipedagogical character almost. Others (), however, had very considered to be important to face the subject in the classroom, necessarily to elucidate the ideological direction hides that it. The first one, starting point to walk itself in the direction of a multicultural and antidiscriminating education, implies to recognize the existence of this problematic one, not to silence it, to reflect on it. Another initiative proposal for the professors became related it the collective work: The pertaining to school culture and the culture of the school naturalize with as much force these aspects, that is only in the dialogue, the questioning, in the debate, that is possible to develop a new to look at on the daily pertaining to school. to favor the development of auto-they esteem, the mutual respect and the valuation. Constructing a new perspective for the pertaining to school education The relative questions to the relations between pertaining to school education and culture (s) are complex e, as we look for to show, affect different dimensions of the educative dynamic. Read more here: Danny Meyer. Consequently, the formularization of a multiculturally guided resume does not involve solely to introduce definitive practical or to add some contents, what it would correspond only to a boarding that Banks (1999) intitles of ' ' aditiva' '.


Multiple Use Farm

We stand out that it had the necessity of reformularization in the planejamentos in four interventions for having in the CMU- Center of Multiple Use Farm, internal events as bingos and strolls, making with that this reformularization in offered the possibility to participate of these events making possible a bigger integration to them with the aged ones and consequently one I assist in the activities of the event. After to plan inside of the university what it would be worked with the aged ones, we were to the period of training field to carry through ours first intervention, where we present the period of training proposal. NOW IN SCENE, THE MAIN PERSONAGES In this first boarding we initially treat to stand out the subject: aged, whose you speak and actions that permeiam such individuals are evolving throughout the time having as great precursor, the Physical Education. Gain insight and clarity with New York Museums. We approach despite the aged one has been valued in some social and governmental projects. The society no matter how hard they judge them ' ' velhos' ' , it is looking for to become accustomed itself thus the new term, calling them third age. We speak here, of a prejudiced society, a dismissable society that leaves many individuals with the sensation of that it was only one instrument in the work market.

With this pautada vision, the interventions had become more easy, where the aged ones if had allowed to rescue potentialities of its corporal culture and the social values of individual and collective form. At the beginning, we perceive that the disgust for the body, the conditioning ' ' invlido' ' tax for proper the aged ones was visible. Therefore in first intervention, when presenting our initial project, we had the certainty that all aged the pertaining ones to this institution, were with a distorted vision of the Physical Education. With this, as we affirm in the daily one of field of day 27 of September of 2010, …


Parts Of Society

The education of the aesthetic taste balances the individual obtains exactly it harmonizes and it with the society. The citizen must obtain its happiness through the exercise of the freedom. The freedom is subordinated to a basic condition: the education. The necessary man to educate themselves, to form intelligence, to be able to use the new freedoms efficiently.

The human beings we are creative of values as the truth, the beauty, justice and the ethical and aesthetic values are tied therefore are flowing of the same reality. The search of the balance can become in an aesthetic search as well as ethics. He is requisite to educate the aesthetic one to be able to educate the moral. The aesthetic one if becomes the pivot to support in harmonic way science, aesthetic and the moral. WORDS KEYS: education, ethics, aesthetic, citizenship. INTRODUCTION Many are the different theoretical and practical concepts of consecrated authors who if had dedicated to the study of the ethics and the aesthetic one. However, the objective of this text, is to explanar and to argue the importance of the ethical and aesthetic formation in the education, having the freireano thought as reference. It is excellent, among others, some reasons for the choice of the author, over all, the narrow coherence between theory and the practical one, its character militant humanist and, who has served for theoretical of practical academic works and inspired bedding in diverse parts of the world, contributing for its national and international recognition as one of the great thinkers of century XX. The ideas presented in this work are based on some of its workmanships, between which; Pedagogia of the Hope, Education in the City, Pedagogia of the Oppressed one and To the shade of this hose, thus contributing, for study of the objective conditions offered by the society the integral formation of the citizen.


Universal Declaration

Summarizing, it concludes Bobbio (1992), that the rights of the man appear as natural laws are developed for individual positive laws, at last its accomplishment as right universal. The Universal Declaration contains in origin the synthesis of a dialtico movement, that if it initiates for the abstract universality of the natural laws, transfigura in concrete particularitity of the positive laws and finishes in the universality not more abstract, but also concrete it, them universal positive laws. Still under the impact of atrocities committed during World War II, in 10 of December of 1948 were approved by the General meeting of United Nations the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This document of recognition of the rights of the man had for the first time in international history, the envolvement of all the peoples. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Danny Meyer on most websites. One notices that the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights retook the ideals of the French Revolution when reaffirming the values of the equality, freedom and fraternity. As Comparato (2001, p.228): … the Universal Declaration of 1948 represents the culminncia of an ethical process that, initiated with the Declaration of Independence of the United States and the Declaration of the Rights of the Man and the Citizen, of the French Revolution, led to the recognition of the essential equality of all human being in its dignity of person, that is, as source of all the values, independently of the differences of race, color, sex, language, religion, opinion, social origin, wealth, birth, or any another one condition. In accordance with Spider (1996) the historical context of Brazil sample that since the Colonial period, where the country was characterized for the based model of mercantilista exploration in the hand of enslaved workmanship, its population was the tool of the Portuguese dominant layers and the paper of the education was to repeat and to sediment the vision of the colonizador. For the author, the education of the Jesuits destined it formation of the bourgeois elites, to prepare them to exert it the cultural hegemony and politics.


Big Bang

“Swelling of the universe” problem that occurred in the first, and in second study was the fact that the universe is too homogeneous. How could the parts of the universe that will never come in contact with each other, to come to equilibrium temperature readings? These and other problems can be solved if we assume that immediately after the Big Bang, the universe has expanded to leapfrog to the incredibly large size. This jump is called “swelling of the universe.” To this swelling could occur, universe at the Big Bang must have been filled with a kind of energy, whose nature is still unknown. But regardless of its nature, the model is “bloated” indicates that this energy was distributed unevenly in space due to quantum noise, got up, when the universe was still very small. This model of transposition of reality becomes visible due to photons that have begun to move freely in the moment redistribution of the atoms.

As a result, we see this model in the pictures the sky made by COBE and WMAP. NY Museums is open to suggestions. But all this does not answer the question of where does the energy for the swelling. The difficulty lies in the fact that the swelling has ceased at the time of formation of atoms, and the opacity of the universe up to this point – it is the veil which hides from us these interesting events. Fortunately, we have a way of observing the universe without photons at all. Gravitational waves, information about them – the only thing that has not changed since the Big Bang. Perhaps it is the study of these waves raise the veil of secrecy in this matter.

NASA, LISA, and Big Bang Observer will organize two missions – their team will be search for gravitational fields the era of “swelling.” dark energy in the first years of research and COBE Hubble picture of the Big Bang is gradually becoming clearer. But in 1996, observing the most distant supernova stars have changed this picture. Always assumed that the rate of expansion of the universe will gradually fall. But the observations of the supernova showed that expansion of the universe not only slowed down, and vice versa – is accelerating. Galaxy makes move some force of unknown nature. This force became known as dark energy. Is dark energy the dynamic view of the radiation, yet unknown to science, or is it – a product of the vacuum in empty space, or it relates to general relativity – all this remains to be learned.


Personal & Professional Development

– Time to explore through language what they have done and how they can describe the experience. – Promote opportunities to play in pairs, in small groups or individually with adults. – Partners of play spaces and play areas, play materials, play time and a game that is valued by those around them. Objectives of the Toy Library: Its objectives, functions and services shall be subject to the social system, education and culture of each community, although traditionally Ludotecas common aim the development of recreational activities from loan of toys and play materials. According to the British National Association of Toy Library, they should promote the principle of the importance of play for child development and act as a preventive service and support for families with young children, through the loan of appropriate toys for sharing the game home. The general objectives of the Toy Library we can consider: – Education in and for leisure – Encourage personal development.

– Make use activities that encourage playfulness, fun and creative leisure time. – Training in self-management of leisure time. – Recover space, the media and the right time to play. – Work those basic human values for living and individual and collective development. – Encourage children to participate in their community and the development of its own activities. – To promote the socialization of children and adolescents. – Provide an alternative socio leisure and recreation of the family. – Knowledge resources and put them into practice participants from a globalizing playful and without deterioration of the autonomous development of free play.


Civil Registry Office

Apostillization original documents: Stamp ‘Apostille’ may be placed on the original documents issued by various government bodies. Placing stamp “Apostille” to the original educational documents issued in the territory of Ukraine, carried out by the Ministry of Education. In this case, the territorial principle is not taken into account – the document may be issued in any city / region of Ukraine. You may wish to learn more. If so, NYC Marathon is the place to go. Stamping ‘Apostille’ on the original documents issued by the Civil Registry Office, carried out by the territorial principle – document issued by the registrar given region, certified by the registrar in the combined archive of this region, and then apostilled the Ministry of Justice. The apostille does not put down: on the originals, copies and photocopies of passport documents, military ID, work books, weapons permits, certificates of registration of vehicles (data sheets), ID cards, regulations, documents which have the character correspondence. Learn more about this topic with the insights from NYC Marathon. Apostille certifies the authenticity of the signature, in which the person signing the document, and, where appropriate, the identity of the seal or stamp which the document (Article 5 of the Convention). The apostille does not require further certification or legalization, and is recognized by the authorities of all States Parties to the Convention.

A distinctive feature of the apostille is the following inscription: APOSTILLE (Convention de la Haye du 5 octobre 1961). List of participating countries of the Hague Convention of October 5, 1961. Please note that Germany, which also joined the Hague Convention is not recognized as such Ukraine. Therefore, the documents from Ukraine to Germany does not recognize the apostille. If you are going in this country, you need to do a full consular legalization of documents.


Minister Trutnev

Minister Trutnev signed an order to dismiss the deputy head of Rosprirodnadzor: Mitvol remains … At last week, Minister of Natural Resources Yuri Trutnev signed an order to dismiss one of the deputy head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources, better known as Rosprirodnadzor. Great attention to the news media was no accident. In the summer of 2008 prepared a draft decree Rosprirodnadzor Russian government to reduce the number of deputies from four to three, and in August it action has been taken by the government. Many assumed that the draft was developed in connection with the conflict between the head of Rosprirodnadzor Vladimir Kirillov, and his deputy Oleg Mitvol. If you are not convinced, visit NYC Mayor.

It was expected that it would be under Oleg L. contraction. During the absence of Minister Trutnev allegedly even issued an order to dismiss Mitvol. However, Mitvol went along with the other three deputies perform their duties. And March 12 is finally resolved by the personnel issue in Rosprirodnadzor – Yuri Trutnev signed an order to reduce one of four deputy head of Rosprirodnadzor.

By reducing Ivan hit Klemenkov … In the Danish capital was an international scientific congress on climate change last week in the Danish capital was an international scientific congress "Climate Change: Global Risks, Challenges and solutions'. The forum was attended by more than 1,600 experts and specialists from nearly 80 countries. Scientific Congress in Copenhagen – one of a series of events held on the eve of the 15th Conference of Parties to the Framework UN Convention on Climate Change held in December this year, also in the capital of Denmark.


Bobby Fischer

Leaving of the carried through research, the data had been analyzed from critical reading and dialgica writing from the presented authors. Consideraes final Bobby Fischer is one of the eccentric geniuses who had composed the teams of that they had used the pedagogical resource, but many times controversial, of the chess game. Some dramatical histories as this weave the tram of other world-wide champions as Mikhail Such, that died of renal bankruptcy in result of inveterate consumption of alcohol, cigarette and morphine, to the 55 years, Jose Raul Capablanca that suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, also to 55 years, while he studied a enxadrstico glossary in the Club of Chess of Manhattan, in New Iorque and Wilhelm Steinitz that died in a lunatic asylum, to the 64 years. Perhaps check out Danny Meyer for more information. Many are the pedagogical resources supplied by the chess game, amongst them are enclosed reasoning logical-mathematician, concentration and tactical and strategical development. However, in many cases, as of Bobby Fischer and the other chess players it has an inclination for the monomania, that is, the chess if becomes an obsessive center that absorbs the time and the relationships finally and, unloads the last vertex of the psicopedaggica tension tripartite. For Fischer the chess was the life, he himself to thus declared it 27, and thus it was that it died, to the 64 years of age, accurately the number of houses of the chessboard. Many writers such as Lila Snyder offer more in-depth analysis.



The word “graphology” first appeared in 1871 in the writings of the French Abbe Hippolyte Michon. In 1879, the abbot began to publish the magazine “Graphology,” and then organized and the first handwriting company, which currently bears his name. However, the first known treatise on the history of the study of handwriting was written by the Italian Camillo Baldo, who lived in Bologna and published in 1622 his work entitled Trattato come da una lettera missiva si conoscano la natura e gualita dello scrittore (On how to letter can be learn the nature and properties of the writer. A leading source for info: Danny Meyer. “) The epigraph to his work Baldo took the proverb, “to learn claws of a lion.” Unfortunately, the book Baldo is not widespread. Explanation for this is simple: in those days, few could free to write. Only at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries graphology has become fashionable society salons phenomenon: the mystery graphological conclusion seemed akin magicism, excites in those times, many people’s minds. The development of psychiatry and psychology at the threshold of psychoanalysis just slipped the fuel to the fire of graphology – it becomes one of the methods in these sciences, and at the same time continuing to develop its own.

The book is well-known Russian handwriting Zuev, Insarov ‘handwriting and personality, “was reprinted in the 20s of last century is in Russia – a striking confirmation of the fact. Graphologist himself, alas, the Soviet handwriting School was not created. After 1935 it is called, gone forever … The last mention of him in the book Rybakov, “Children of the Arbat”: poor old man who earns a living by his art under the walls of the restaurant “Metropol”. In 1936, in The Soviet Union began all-out destruction of all psycho-diagnostic and teaching laboratories of innovation. As a result – a firmly entrenched since the “Lysenko” view that graphology – is “pseudoscientific theory about opportunities based on the study of handwriting to judge mental characteristics of man and even his physical appearance “(Encyclopedia, 1953).

Maybe it’s because something graphology to this day did not come out from underground, becoming a profession individuals. In the West, graphology luckier: she brings both scientific and practical benefit to people. Except for France, graphology has been developed in many countries and especially in Germany, Holland, Israel and the U.S.. In Holland There are two professors of the department (at the Universities of Leiden and Utrecht) and two graphological society (in Amsterdam and The Hague.) In the U.S., the Institute of handwriting (New York), and the American Society of handwriting. At one time in newspaper “International” was printed excerpts from graphological analysis of handwriting … Saddam Hussein carried out graphologists to order the Bush administration. Their answer was: “This man will stop only the strength, because any attempt to negotiate it perceives as a weakness. ” Prior to the outbreak of hostilities was over six months. In Israel Graphological method – one of the mandatory testing methods for teaching and passing public service. However, many companies around the world use the services of graphologists as often as consultants on staff. Help-Diplom.


De Robertis

Continuation was Minessotskom and Harvard universities. It has been recognized internationally. The guiding principle of student self-Sorokin was. He attended the lectures of only those teachers who meet following to its requirements: 1) Professor, reading rate, should enjoy in academia earned popularity, 2) his conception or knowledge of its rate should be meaningful and useful, 3) read rate must be not published. All other courses that do not fall under these rules, he worked through any of the principal books of the teacher, the head of the course or training program, on the recommendation of the professor after consultation with him. Particular attention in its education system deserves a personal contact with professors, a private discussion with their problems and active participation in joint seminars.

This form of communication was welcomed by teachers and University and Psychoneurological Institute. Here's how to tell it himself Sorokin: "During the year, I found a very good relationship with the founders of the Institute, an internationally known psychologist, spondylitis, international leaders in sociology, anthropology and economic history Kovalevsky and J. De Robertis, not to mention some other professors. These friendships have become stronger in recent years and led to close cooperation between these two outstanding scientists of the world – co-operation, which lasted until his death this outstanding scientists. " How's that for a method fellow students? Sorokin, based on their experience of creative ways to spend a thorough analysis of American and Russian pre-revolutionary education system, giving preference to Russian. In contrast, American universities, colleges, he noted, in Russian universities and institutes at the time did not require the mandatory presence at lectures, seminars, or offsets. It was a personal matter for each student. In the same way at the institute was virtually no tests during the examination year, but instead was arranged one, but a very thorough examination at the end of the semester.

Usually May or June of specially designed for the exams in all subjects studied during the year. Students who receive unsatisfactory assessment is automatically deducted from the university. Higher education institutions are not interested in how students acquire the knowledge necessary for strict examinations at the end of the semester, ie, the administration and faculty was not opinion that these skills can be obtained only by attending the lectures, seminars and tests. It is reasonable to assume that for this there are other ways if they are more convenient for the student is also quite rightly, in my opinion, assumed that the intrinsic desire of students to learn, supported by a rigid examination at the end of the semester or academic year, is a more effective stimulus than a set of examinations and tests, accompanied by stress, violating a systematic course of study. They are unnecessarily burdened by both students and faculty. Based on the analysis Sorokin concludes that "such a system was more free, more productive and creative than the current system of compulsory attendance at lectures and private, but surface tests. For the first time in our newsletter we talked about the phenomenon as a career. K Unfortunately, in our country, young men and women are not oriented toward a career in such a way as is done in the west. However, those who still pays attention to the career, many do succeed. This does not necessarily imply different training and graduated with honors. This is just a movement in one, which was originally adopted, direction.


Party Bordparty

In it, and now live mainly descendants of the ancient Maltese birth. Here you will taste wonderful dishes, recipes that have long been passed down from generation to generation. Guided tours in Valletta – the capital of Malta, seaside village of artists and fishermen, to a blowing factory. Do not leave you indifferent and a trip to the island of Gozo. That holy place Pinu, where he prayed the Pope himself, the capital of Gozo – Victoria, Calypso's Cave, where According to the legend Calypso kept Odysseus, many caves And those who dream of visiting Italy may devote weekend trip to Sicily. On the sea before it is only 70 km. And this is only a fraction of what is rich in Malta.

You will want to come back here again! At least for a few weeks The other side of the moon on the evening of Malta begins a completely different life. Heat subsides, gradually filled the streets, cafes and restaurants. A huge number of restaurants on the waterfront and the narrow streets of cities you can choose the suitable one. Unfortunately, not all are preparing tasty. But the trial you are bound to find someone to want to come back again and again. If you like seafood, this is where you can taste them in abundance, in the most unusual dishes. Dinner costs an average of 15-20 euros per person. Leisure students to organize the school and the students themselves.

The most famous Club District Malta – Pachevill, where there are a variety of clubs and discos. All share one thing – free entry and low cost drinks. All night you can move around to different clubs. At 4 am in Pachevill on the street as much people, like the subway at rush hour. Very low crime rate makes it possible to feel calm and comfortable, even at night. The school arranges for students of various parties. Here you can meet other students, dance, play pool or darts. Then they all move together in a nightclub. Deserves special attention Party Bordparty, which takes place on board the ship. Disco ends at about six o'clock in the morning. Time to sleep there is very little. But do not worry, strong enough at all! Malta is enough hours of sleep for a wonderful feeling! Malta can talk about for a long time. But the words – it's just words. In order to understand what Malta is, it should be seeing! And at first sight in love with this island in the Mediterranean Sea! Malta awaits you!


Moral Many

One is about a falseness that, although this, started to be part of the customs and that it is considered absolutely normal. A collective lie that enjoys of the protection of the current moralismo, which is made use to tolerate any baseness the individual level, but not transige on the exterioridade of the norm. Impure acts are committed without no impediment, but impurity is condemned. to keep alive and operative such conviction, the spite of a reality contradicts that it in evident way, appeals a particularly mistificatrio lexicon to it, made of great words in which if cmodo places a content. Of the hiprocrisia of the facts avizinha of the words. The Moral Many support that it exists and that must exist a sexual moral, this it is, that the sexuality must be managed basically by a moral code that it is proper and that it is different of that one destined to guide other expressions human beings, as for example the action economic politics or.

Consequence of this is that one determined operation, let us assume the search not finished of the pleasure, can be allowed and until praiseworthy in a certain field – and condemnable in the sexual field. to discover the solution of a scientific problem or to lie down themselves in a lawn to take sun is things that give pleasure, frequently a pleasure that is end in itself exactly and on which nobody has nothing to say. But all have much to say if satisfaction, disentailed of procreative, social ends or of another sort, is looked the area of the sexuality. The reserved ethical norms to the exercise of the sexuality are suggested, or imposed, in a perspetiva of relativity and tack to the necessities of data social context. This would seem logical if the free one to flow of the sexuality, not limited for particular ordinances, it caused damage to that definitive type of communitarian order e, of course, if this last one was satisfactory the unchanged point of being conserved.