
Northwest Cold

Calling itself Atlantic Polar Front to the surface of thermal discontinuity that moves away to the circumpolar winds from hottest West and Southwest of originary of the center of action, of directions Northeast and Northwest. This front that if distende, in the South America, since the Chaco until the Gergia island cutting the coast in the River of the Silver. The intense renewal of the cold anticyclone hinders the Atlantic Polar Front in direction to the equator, penetrating in wedge, under hot tropical air. Soon the ascension of this, results in strong clouds, rains and conditions of icing and thunderstorms in the period frontal, following itself in cold and dry time, that many times precedes the intense waves of cold, under High the posterior one of temperature. According to BLACKSMITH, on the system frontal of the winds it alleges. The severe thunderstorms are frequently associates the lines of organized convergences as the cold fronts, hot and oclusas. Its development is common, over all, throughout the cold fronts associates to a extratropical cyclone. The convergence of the surface winds occurs, in general, throughout these fronts.

The winds in the advantage of the cold front blow normally in the South hemisphere of NE and, of the rear, sw. This results in a convergence of air throughout the front, forcing the ascent of hot air. (BLACKSMITH, 2006.p.113) With the increase of the Atlantic Polar Front in the center of action of the Atlantic that is dragged for lower latitudes, that is, it returns and it goes being amortized, for after that being revigorated by the proper polar anticyclone when the Atlantic Polar Front if dissolves in the tropic, under a general heating. No longer period that in them worries summer and autumn, more accurately of January the March, the progressos of the Atlantic Polar Front are to a great extent weak, not reaching to exceed the tropic.


Space Tourism Planning

Melnia Z. Ferronato Dr Nicolas Floriani State University of Thick Tip Summary the signs of the landscape is qualified attributes for the individual that perceives the space, that is, subjectively represents the landscape and, in base its sociocultural matrix, imposing felt values and to the space. NYC Mayor has much experience in this field. Destacadamente, the act to appreciate and to live deeply the landscape, also includes changeable aesthetic (inherent to the individual, but also culturally conditional) marcantes in the definition of attractive tourist. Therefore, the inquiry of the aesthetic attributes of the landscape sends to the study of the perception and space representation, characterizing, thus, the spaces. Thus, this research has as intention to characterize the landscape of the point of view of attractive the tourist ones, of the urban space, with methodology of the natural way, trying to hook characteristic of this with the urban way it city of Irati-PR, being had as objective specific to verify the applicability of the methodology of Planning of the Tourist Space, of Robert Boullon, and finally, to select resulted that they become propitious the research of dissertao of after-graduation in ' ' Management of the Territrio' ' for the UEPG.

Word-key: landscape, local planning, Irati-PR Abstract The signs of the landscape ploughs qualified attributes by the individual who carries through the space, that is, subjectively represents the landscape, and its sociocultural basis, imposing values and meanings you space. Remarkably, the act of enjoying and experience the landscape, it also includes aesthetic variables (inherent you the individual but also culturally conditioned) outstanding in the definition of tourist attractions. Therefore, investigation of the aesthetic attributes of the landscape refers you the study of perception and spatial representation, qualifying, this way, spaces. Thus, this research has the aim you characterize the landscape from the viewpoint of the tourist attractions of the urban space of Irati-PR, and has the specific objectives verifying the applicability of the methodology of Space Tourism Planning, of Robert Boullon, and finally, select favorable results you make the dissertation research of graduate ' ' Management of the Territrio' ' by UEPG.


Laboring City

Set To inhabit Nice Lobo; villages Janana, Riod, Clara Saint, Pavo Son, Olmpica City, Hidding place of the Birds, Residential Alexandra To tax, Geniparana, Efignia Saint, Laboring Village, Garden Are Cristvo II, APACO, Campus Pablo VI of the UEMA and Horto-Forest of the IBAMA. Figure 1? Map of localization of the area of study 3,2 Description Physically the study area presents similar characteristics to the remain of the territory of the Island of the Maranho, historically presents some particularitities. DAYS (2004), in recent study on the ambient problems of the Laboring City and area of entorno, it establishes five distinct periods in the history of the constitution of the set. The understood initial phase enters the years of 1976 and 1981, corresponds to the first nestings and interest of the COHAB It to ME, Habitacional Company of the Maranho, for the area. It was verified that it belongs Mrs.

Ana Jansen and it passes to be able it of the State of the Maranho. In 1980, the indemnity to the one who holds legal titles to property was made and confided public bid for the execution of the project of construction of the set. In March of 1981, the period pointed per Days is initiated as, that if it extends up to 1986. In this phase it was processed devastao of 860 (eight hundred and sixty) hectares of land that yielded space for terraplanagem, fills with earth and construction of the habitacional enterprise ' ' the area was divided in fifteen soils each one sheltering five hundred residential units (06 types) obeying the standards of construction of the BNH' ' (IT HISSES, 1996, p.23). The joint age, a priori, destined the laborers of existing plants already and that porventura came if to install in the Industrial District, of this happens its name. In 1986, the Laboring City was delivers to the inhabitants.



It fishes it is an activity human being whose its existence comes of the primrdios. It is part of the reproduction human being since whom the man started if to feed of animals beyond fruits. However he is in these two I finish centuries fish that it have been organized of different form. In Brazil little she has yourself in literature regarding the organization of fishes as economic activity beyond the elaborated laws, of decrees made for the Senate and president, for the president’s messages evidencing such development and reports of agencies as the SUDEPE. In the literature that it tells the development of fishes, contained especially in the reports of the Supervision of the Development of fishes that, it only comes the public in the Sixties, before this only we can basing in them on the laws, decree and president’s message forming nuclei fishing boats and in the ideas of the government in defending the national interests before the great international fleets as of Japan, England, Holland, among others.

One of first the great acts of the Brazilian monarchy how much to the activity fishing, where it consists in literature, they date of century XIX, in the year of 1846, where law 447 is promulgated that it separates the Brazilian fishing for districts of fishes, demanding registers it of the fishing and boats in the port administrations, passing to the navy all the administrative part of the exerted fishing activity in domestic territory, organizing it and determining obrigatoriedades. It fishes it if constitua of form disarticulated of the centers, it enters the diverse colonies spread for Brazil, and rudimentary in relation to the countries as England, Holland and Japan. After some years in the estruturao of this activity, whose joint if it propagated during century XXIII and beginning of century XIX, the government of Cautious of moral, in 1897, through law 478, brought tona the interest of the oligarchies for the total nationalization of fishes.


Rio Branco and NYC

At the time that Rio Branco negotiated on the question of the Acre, this important one 1860 map, was disappeared, and alone it came the public again, later that the Treated one to Petrpolis in 1903 already was signed by Brazil and Bolivia. You criticize them, done the Rio Branco because of the terms of this treating to 1903, they had been many and they broken of all the sides; it was said that Brazil had bought the Acre to Bolivia and made still many concessions of other forms, as territorial, for example. But, when this map of 1860 came the public, it also came the confirmation of that Brazil had obtained the attainment of a considerable territory, on which not possua many rights, then the territory of the Acre. Or if possua, these rights, these rested on a lesser parcel of what that one gotten by means of Treated to Petrpolis.Esse the fact, provoked an acclamation around the name of Rio Branco, and critical the severe initials, if they had shown total unjust and without place. Sony Wonder Technology Lab often addresses the matter in his writings. During the negotiations, Rio Branco used a strategy that it searched to isolate the bolivian government diplomatically, therefore, in question of the Acre, had beyond proper Bolivia, involved in the dispute, also the Bolivian Syndicate, entity consisting of powerful North American banking houses and a company of New York, the Cary Whitridge, that constituted unions with firms of London. The bolivian government, by means of a contract, had leasehold lands of the Acre to the Bolivian Syndicate. also, the Peruvian government had territorial pretensions in the dispute. To the Bolivian Syndicate, Rio Branco promised indemnity of 110.000.000 a thousand sterling pounds, to the government of Peru, had assured it the respect of its rights on the territory of the Acre, in dispute, to the Acre Brazilians, the freedom of if in the case Brazil won the dispute, the territory could come to combine the Brazilian federacy.