
Flower Pot

In Egypt, for such rituals used, common throughout the Nile Delta, the wild Emmer wheat, from which the passage of time, Egyptian farmers, brought several different varieties of cereal. For best results, I would recommended that the grain of durum wheat, which are quite unpretentious and has a large percentage of germination. Read more from NYC Marathon to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Buy a new Flower Pot light tones, the volume – at least a liter. Beforehand, you need to dial the ground with wheat field. In big cities, it can cause some confusion. Therefore, in extreme cases, suitable land with a large and well-tended flower beds, major plantings which will be a plant with white flowers. Blooms of red, purple and violet hues are unfavorable to our process energy, so they should be avoided.

Before you fill up the earth in a pot, mix it with coins yellow. The number of coins – twenty-four. The total nominal amount – must be even. Once you cover everything this cocktail in a pot, start sowing. You will need six grains. Each grain should be planted separately, the left hand, the depth of two to three centimeters.

All seeds must be planted close together, almost in one place so that when the shoots, they formed one massive barrel. After planting, you need to water the earth. To this end, the water should be insist separately. Ideal is rain water, mixed with morning dew. A glass of water, quite a few drops of dew to turn to rain, miraculous nectar. Watering is carried out once in a three days. When the wheat sprouts, talk with her. Replenish its energy of your desires. Love her to feel your care and warmth. Place the pot in his bedroom on the window to plant bathed in sunshine. If possible, protect your tree from prying eyes and never let a stranger hands, to touch him. As soon as the sprouts will rise to six inches, put on the bottom of the vessel in which you defend Watering water, six coins yellow. Suppose they are in it constantly, until the end of the process. This will serve as a kind of fertilizer for your money tree. Having gone full cycle, grow and mature. Pull it out pot, along with the root system. Tie the stems together, a thin gold chain and put in a vase without water at the bottom which should be on a coin, with even a nominal sum. The first six seeds that fell from the ears, you can used for growing the next tree. Such a procedure, I recommend once a year. The best time – it's spring, but this is not a rigid rule. The main condition is your desire and your soul you should invest in this process and if the result does not take long.


Black Square

The commodity price is the price of the individual. Cost of goods – the price of the species. Price is born 'fight' the system 'buyer – seller'. Cost generated a set of such systems. Real barter concept of 'price' and 'value' is often used as synonyms. And this is natural: the possibility of the use of a concept depends entirely on the subjective point of view of the man himself. If the product is perceived by man as a concrete thing, the price of goods is the price of this thing. And if the product is perceived by a person as a representative of the type of goods, in this case the price of goods becomes a modelview price – cost.

Cost of goods is not inherent in the goods themselves, it is shaped by the views of people who exchange these goods. Moreover, the opinion of the persons forming the cost of goods on or that the market may not necessarily represent the views of people outside this market. For example, fans of abstract art, Malevich considering a genius artist, formed his opinion the high cost of his paintings and, in particular, painting "Black Square". The opinion of people who consider this normal and oil painting in the square, did not have on its cost no effect, because it is the opinion of people outside the market lovers of abstract painting. Thus, cost of goods is formed in a specific market, through the views of individual participants sharing in the 'fight' a number of systems' buyer – seller ',' the seller – the seller 'and' buyer – the buyer.