
Loop Festival

It has already begun, if it has already started! LOOP, videoart festival, is in Barcelona and only until May 22. But don’t worry that you’re still in time if you give you hurry, although only three days. Unlike other years, this eighth edition is the most extensive in its history since he displays nearly 1000 videos of 754 artists, 48 galleries and 36 universities around the world. So if you are hosted (or you’ll be in a few days) in a hotel in Barcelona, don’t miss the opportunity to go to any of the 100 places where the festival will be held. Some of those local museums, art centres and galleries, as it could be expected of a festival of avant-garde art, however and here comes what is innovative also include bars, restaurants and other venues of the like. And some of the artists, both national and international, that will participate are Miquel Barcelo, Marina Abramovic, Vasco Araujo, Eulalia Valldosera, John Baldessari and Isabel Coixet. On the other hand, a who do not ever you would like be able to ask your artist preferred about their creations? This is another reason why this event is incredible since there will be 18 videoforums which can involve not only the artists (as it is expected) and practitioners of contemporary art, but also the public who is interested. And in case outside little, there is also a cycle of children’s entertainment that consists of 19 films from different countries and can on him in the Hotel Catalonia. If you need a hotel in Barcelona, with you can book accommodation until the last minute..