The basic aspect of the thesis of Bowlby is of that one strong causal relation exists enters the experiences of an individual with its parents and its capacity stops to establish affective bonds, and that certain common variations of this capacity, are disclosed in conjugal problems and difficulties with the children, as well as in the systems neurotics and riots of personality. According to Bowlby (1990, P.), … all human being already is born inclined to establish forts affective bonds. This capacity however, can be diminished had the external factors that hinder the baby to play this potential with the people surround who it. The capacity is innate, but it needs to be stimulated adequately so that if it materialize …. 2.3 The importance of the familiar relation for the formation of the bond Yesterday as today, the family cannot leave of being the basic structure that molds the psychic development of the child, a time who is, par excellence, the place of emotional exchange and elaboration of the emotional complexes, that if they reflect in the historical development of the societies and in the organizativos factors of the psicossocial development. Therefore, the study of the eventual ones becomes important psychological variations proceeding from the decurrent modifications in the family unit, without disdaining the space framing of the same: the environment, cultural and social. According to psychologists Ferrari and Vecina, cited for Dexterous Rosana psychologist Luiza Keppe, in the article ' ' The understanding of the parents on the aggressiveness of its filhos' ' , the familiar process and of infantile sociabilizao, that has beginning in the first phases of its development and follows throughout the life, is carried through and shared for the two or most adult ones, therefore the children need to confirm the concepts that had been transmitted, assisting them in the internalizao of what he is being taught to it. Official site: savvy restaurateur.
Tag: psychology
Social Psychology
The film of Jose Padilha tells to a marcante episode occurrence in 12 of June of 2000 in the city of Rio De Janeiro. One is about the kidnapping of a bus of line 174, that he was withheld in the quarter Botanical Garden for approximately five hours. The author of the scene was Sandro of the Birth, a young black, edentate, survivor of the slaughter of the Candelria, that kept eleven hostages under the aiming of its gun. Throughout the scenes, we come across ourselves with our reality, which is portraied in clear way, without maquiagens, retouchings. this shocks. We hear stories of professionals of the policy, of social assistant, familiar and friends of Sandro, what it could provide to the viewers a more complex vision of what occurred in that one 12 of June.
Analyzing the questions brought for the film, several can be subject of quarrel for Social Psychology, such as the problems faced for the Brazilian policy, and the conditions of the prisons as well as its consequences for the individual that is imprisoned, amongst others. However, it is clamorous that frightens eleven hostages all loses the existing context for backwards of this ‘ ‘ seqestro’ ‘ , which is of basic importance to arrive itself at the root of the problem. In the case in question, Sandro was a favelada child, with unknown father, who attended the cruel death of its mother (he died esfaqueada), going, after this, to stop in the streets of Rio De Janeiro, having been victim of the slaughter of the Candelria and passed some times for the policy. It is treated, therefore, of a person without familiar, pertaining to school references, without life expectancies. The learnings are solely the ones that occur in the streets: use of drugs, robbery, etc. In this manner, for Sandro, and as much other children who live in the same conditions, the life if summarizes to the street, a esquina, the present moment, since the future is something uncertain.
The auto-love teaches in them: Joining in them to we ourselves and becoming them only. To search the support in us. In the terms as reference. To believe, to respect and to trust we ourselves. Not to depend on the approval of the others. To have conscience and to respect our values. To respect our limits. To express our feelings without fears. New York Museums contributes greatly to this topic.
To feel capable and competent to face any challenge. To assume the responsibility of our interior and exterior world. Not to confuse auto-love, to have an attitude of auto-respect, fondness what it is good for itself, to assume what if it is, without illusion and disrespecting itself and to the other, with selfishness (pride, vanity, mimo, egoism) that they are attitudes that cause a false one auto-esteem. The people who thus act, have an attitude of wanting optimum for itself, in detriment of itself and of the others. Without the force of the auto-love we place in them in an indifference state, are other people’s to we ourselves, in a obsessive-compulsory state, being incapable of exempting in them of thoughts and behaviors irrationals and nonsenses that only take in them and keep in them in suffering; becoming us puppets of the circumstances, the people and our illusions, without the minimum autonomy to direct our proper lives. We lose the right to be authors and actors of our choices.
Without the force auto-love we submit in them to any type of relation. We lose our auto-support, our auto-they esteem and ours capacity to judge, we compel in, to accept them the dependence, pain, the suffering as a form of being and having something or somebody; becoming us dependent of this form of being, instead of conquering what we are, we torture in them to conquer an illusion. It is not made a mistake to be what one is. We came to grow and it does not stop criticizing in them.
For Laplanche (1967), ‘ ‘ The assignment? object relation? one meets 0ccasionally in the penalty of Freud; although he is incorrect to say, as already it had who said, that it ignores it to Freud, we can garantidamente affirm that it is not part of its device conceitual’ ‘. The reasons for which Freud neglected the object are, had in part the preconceptions of personal order. Freud did not like the clinic very and of it practises psicanaltica. Well, the theory of the relations you object is forged in practises psicanaltica and on the analysis of the transference. (GREEN, 1999).
‘ ‘ organization borderline of personalidade’ ‘ it includes one I number greater of patients who the category of personality riot borderline of the DSM lll-R and has covered a level of character pathology that includes most of the cases of infantile or histrinica and narcisista personality, practically? how if? , hipomanaca and all the antisocial personalities. Kernenberg is based on three structural criteria for its diagnosiss of ‘ ‘ organization borderline of the personality: diffusion of the personality, level of defensive operations and capacity of test of the reality. It points that borderline also reveals with characteristics would second, such as weakness of the ego (lack of control of the impulse, lack of tolerance the frustration the anxiety and lack of subliming canals developed), in the pathology of superego (moral systems of immature values, requirements internal contradictory or, even though, antisocial characteristics) and in the relations objects chaotic chronicles and, that are a direct consequence of diffusion of identity and the predominance of primitive defensive operations. (KERNBERG, 1989). For Jacques Lacan, the structures are three neurotic, psychotic and perverse, all they tied the castration. In the neurosis, the castration this related as it stresses; in the psychosis, with forculao; in the perversion, with the refusal.
Psychoanalytic Austrian
Aristotle (384 B.C. – 322 a.C), already said that the man is of course a social animal e, today, recognizes it to science as a biopsicossocial being, meaning that beyond a proper biology, the man is endowed with one psique takes that it to be, emotionally, that one that produces and suffers to an action or impression, and a social aspect therefore that he needs the other to live. According to Karl Marx, ‘ ‘ not it is the conscience of the man who determines it the being, but, in contrast, its social being that conscincia’ determines it; ‘. With everything this, if cannot leave of side the relevance of the familiar structure in the life of the individual. He is not to only generate and to leave to be born, but the emotional support, to follow the cognitivo development, to take care of to the necessities. This creature who comes to the world without ways of if to defend or if to keep, that had, for certain, in the strokes of the heart of the mother, in aconchego of the maternal uterus its safe port, if sees suddenly wet, dirty, with cold, hunger and pain. For Melanie Klein 1, all these changes is felt by the child as aggression and starts to have fear of the persecution of how much in such a way external an internal object.
She is what it calls Persecutory Anxiety, that will go to make it difficult the capacity of synthesis of the child, that is, it will not obtain to perceive the object in its inteireza, will always have the predominance of an only feeling. It will have the idea of that the object the mother takes care of to all its apelos. This is important because it goes to internally infundir in the child the self-sufficiency feeling, formador of a coesa and strong image of same itself. Little by little the mother ‘ ‘ sbia’ ‘ internalization of the castrador, according to Freud, will be able to lead to the masochism. Therefore, what it goes to mount one superego rigid or is not accurately the relationary quality. A relationship based on the respect, the love and the physicist-mental care goes to generate in the child a gratitude feeling that will hinder the destrutividade it ego. Returning to the notice on the Russian child, it is inevitable to think about its development. A girl of three years who did not learn to walk, to speak and that the proximity of strangers snarls A child who had dogs as essential images. He is allowed to ask: that type of adult will become?
The film counts the history of Simon Birch, a boy considers for the doctors to the rising as a miracle and that it would not have much time of life, if this came to happen would be really a miracle. Simon was the lesser baby to be born in that city. An attraction in the maternity became, for being considered by all as an abnormal baby. Simon was son of a couple that to probably waited with desire and anxiety it. To astonishment of the parents, it comes to the world in an unusual way, through one I sneeze of its mother.
It had cardiac problems, of hearing, vision, in the endcrino system, beyond physical problems. How the parents had reacted after to have its dreams frustrated with the birth of Simon? The rejection was to the way more easy that they had found to coexist ‘ ‘ milagre’ ‘. Therefore not they had known as to react, since they lived inside of this society that she appraises what she is normal or not normal, through what is visible. It found that he was a hero, therefore said an envoy of God and that he had a mission. Its life lived all being ‘ ‘ ridicularizado’ ‘ for all of the city, mainly the children. But, this did not bother it, Age a very intelligent person, what it became really it different of the inhabitants of the city. To be itself or not normal is a dangerous classification with which frequently we come across in them in our society.
New York City
As To introduce the Moment The best actors with great success in the whole world, become daring and courageous the sufficient alone because that moment exists. You can acquire these same abilities. You can find that completely she is made a mistake, because they are actors and actresses are dissimulating. However, the best ones they never dissimulate. They absolutely are absorbed by the moment all word that leaves its mouth is truth. Why? Because they are living total the moment, living the dialogues that are speaking as if spoke of them.
It sees as you can practise: To read in high voice The way to practise of being and living the moment is to read in high voice. It tries to read in high voice with certain frequency. It thinks as lines of thoughts and images and leaves these lines to make and to speak. It says them as if it was one real colloquy and you it will be in a conversation. The Reading in high voice will make you to enter immediately for the creative thought, to act and to be at the moment. If you have children or a spouse, they read for, or work as voluntary, reading for the sick people in the hospital or children in the orphanage – it is an excellent way to escape its proper difficulties and to dive at the moment.
Harold Guskin is the most famous trainer acting in New York, it taught stars as Kevin Kline, Glenn Close and Bridget is an exploration of the moment. the key is to say what it is wanted to say without trying to fix it (to say spontaneously) . What you now say must be more important of what as you said anteriormente’ ‘ , A time that you dominate the reading in high voice at the moment, carrying through this technique in colloquies with friends and relatives and, after that, fellow workers, you will be frightened as this ability it will be useful in meetings with its business-oriented head or colleagues, suppers and dates special with meeting with its family.
Flower Pot
In Egypt, for such rituals used, common throughout the Nile Delta, the wild Emmer wheat, from which the passage of time, Egyptian farmers, brought several different varieties of cereal. For best results, I would recommended that the grain of durum wheat, which are quite unpretentious and has a large percentage of germination. Read more from NYC Marathon to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Buy a new Flower Pot light tones, the volume – at least a liter. Beforehand, you need to dial the ground with wheat field. In big cities, it can cause some confusion. Therefore, in extreme cases, suitable land with a large and well-tended flower beds, major plantings which will be a plant with white flowers. Blooms of red, purple and violet hues are unfavorable to our process energy, so they should be avoided.
Before you fill up the earth in a pot, mix it with coins yellow. The number of coins – twenty-four. The total nominal amount – must be even. Once you cover everything this cocktail in a pot, start sowing. You will need six grains. Each grain should be planted separately, the left hand, the depth of two to three centimeters.
All seeds must be planted close together, almost in one place so that when the shoots, they formed one massive barrel. After planting, you need to water the earth. To this end, the water should be insist separately. Ideal is rain water, mixed with morning dew. A glass of water, quite a few drops of dew to turn to rain, miraculous nectar. Watering is carried out once in a three days. When the wheat sprouts, talk with her. Replenish its energy of your desires. Love her to feel your care and warmth. Place the pot in his bedroom on the window to plant bathed in sunshine. If possible, protect your tree from prying eyes and never let a stranger hands, to touch him. As soon as the sprouts will rise to six inches, put on the bottom of the vessel in which you defend Watering water, six coins yellow. Suppose they are in it constantly, until the end of the process. This will serve as a kind of fertilizer for your money tree. Having gone full cycle, grow and mature. Pull it out pot, along with the root system. Tie the stems together, a thin gold chain and put in a vase without water at the bottom which should be on a coin, with even a nominal sum. The first six seeds that fell from the ears, you can used for growing the next tree. Such a procedure, I recommend once a year. The best time – it's spring, but this is not a rigid rule. The main condition is your desire and your soul you should invest in this process and if the result does not take long.
Espiritista Period House
The great contribution of Mesmer was to call the attention for definitive phenomena cure, before legacies to the ocultistas boardings, and to try to give a clothes ' to they; ' cientfica' ' .c) Espiritista Period (of 1847 1872): The Espiritismo grew as religion after a series of events that suggested an intense life after the death. The fact that detonated the great espiritista wave occurred in 1847 in the small city of Hydesville, State of New Iorque, in U.S.A. A protestant shepherd, John Fox, with the wife and two children, had changed themselves for a house of that city, whose local he was had as ' ' assombrado' '. Inexplicable strokes occurred in the walls of the house. The children of the shepherd had passed if to amuse with the phenomenon and, finally, they had established a code: certain number of strokes corresponded the definitive letter of the alphabet and, thus, successively, in a biunivocal correspondence. It was established, then, a communication with the presumption spirit. After some messages, ' ' esprito' ' it declared that he had been assassinated and embedded in the subsoil of the house. The North American government sent two expeditions of hollowing: the first nothing it found e, times later, one second found a skeleton to the side of a folder that contained personal documents of a certainty Charles Rossnan.O case of the Fox sisters detonated a series of others with similar characteristics.
In 1857, French professor Denizard Rivail wrote its celebrity ' ' Book of the Espritos' '. This book, according to Rivail, is ' ' ditado' ' for espritos. Itself exactly it attributed the name of Allan Kardec, name this eternalized by the history of the Espiritismo.Cientistas of the time were divided in relation to the cause of the phenomena. Many believed the Espiritismo and until they searched a form of Science ' ' reconhecer' ' the espiritista world.
Black Square
The commodity price is the price of the individual. Cost of goods – the price of the species. Price is born 'fight' the system 'buyer – seller'. Cost generated a set of such systems. Real barter concept of 'price' and 'value' is often used as synonyms. And this is natural: the possibility of the use of a concept depends entirely on the subjective point of view of the man himself. If the product is perceived by man as a concrete thing, the price of goods is the price of this thing. And if the product is perceived by a person as a representative of the type of goods, in this case the price of goods becomes a modelview price – cost.
Cost of goods is not inherent in the goods themselves, it is shaped by the views of people who exchange these goods. Moreover, the opinion of the persons forming the cost of goods on or that the market may not necessarily represent the views of people outside this market. For example, fans of abstract art, Malevich considering a genius artist, formed his opinion the high cost of his paintings and, in particular, painting "Black Square". The opinion of people who consider this normal and oil painting in the square, did not have on its cost no effect, because it is the opinion of people outside the market lovers of abstract painting. Thus, cost of goods is formed in a specific market, through the views of individual participants sharing in the 'fight' a number of systems' buyer – seller ',' the seller – the seller 'and' buyer – the buyer.