
Axpe Consulting Takes

Axpe Consulting has been for a year the Centre of incidences of the Via public management, which is now increased by the draft Madrid warns that operates from Usera, Carabanchel, Villaverde and La Latina districts today, and in early 2011 in the municipality. Commitment to resolve all urgent incidents in less than 72 hours. The General Directorate of roads and public spaces, agency belonging to the Area of Government works and public spaces of the city of Madrid awarded AXPE the Center management’s Control of incidents on public roads (service notice) to carry an exhaustive control of the incidences (damage or deterioration that suffer the elements located on public roads) that are divided among three departments belonging to the Subdirectorate-General for roads and public spaces: Dept. of conservation and renovation of public roads, Department of urban facilities and Dept. of public lighting. AXPE staff serves as a nexus of Union between the conservative companies of services, the municipal technical and the different means of reception of incidents until complete resolution. He is about maintaining an exhaustive control of all those incidents, requests, suggestions and complaints that convey the citizen in relation to public roads, in order to avoid delays and inconvenience and ending with the communication to the party concerned on its resolution.


Religious Capitalism

One more time lost the Religious Capitalism in a world where to have faith he is &#039 well; ' interessante' ' income-producing Macedo and RR Soares of the life. Today per the morning it walked observing the complexity of the faith and as it can be a guarantee of ' ' consumo' ' or purchase of some conquest longed for an individual that uses a temple as symbolism to a stowage where many says to be being inhabited for one ' ' Deus' ' this is the purchase guarantee. We know that Jesus de Nazar the said one messias was considered a revolutionary and he did not accept the rituals alienator that overwhelmd the individuals. Its position caused its death and served of example to many, but this example total was changed, the consumista capitalist ideology makes a bedspread of remnants around the faith of the masses that easily are manipulated by said its lead/shepherds/encouraging great bishops of auditoriums, but is puppets of an ideology that proper they are unaware of everything are on behalf of God and if they had not convinced use the figure of the Demon. Further details can be found at Bill de Blasio, an internet resource. To speak of the Demon is a strategy very important to hold the faith of the masses that do not question nothing then they are manipulated by these you lead/shepherds/bishops that use to advantage of the misery and if they become millionaire.

How God is this that one does not form demonizada of the capitalist mind that if uses to advantage of the misery! Certain religion does not exist as many say. Mahatma Gandhi says: ' ' The religions are different ways converging to the same point. That importance makes if we follow for different ways, since that let us reach the same objective? ' ' what it is here in xeque is which objective! It will be the paradise where we will walk in gold streets surrounded by diamonds in a wealth without end or the sky, the promised land, the new Jerusalem or to be same here in ' ' terra' ' eating giant grapes and acariciando lions? They are objective well distinct, but it has a God constructed ideologically for behind of each conception of a better after-life (a Paradise). The human being has this necessity of one transcendente. What it will be that is in game its faith or its money? Most interesting it is that Jesus de Nazar did not profess no religion not even the judaism. Then it treads its proper way with noble and right objectives and if Liberte of the manipulated independent religion either either does not exempt! Baltazar


The Corps To Which We Belong

Within this micro cosmos, everything is changed, is born, grows, evolves and dies. The global expansion and the greater distance between all the elements that compose it occurs as a logical and necessary reaction to their development. This in turn generates a hyperspace, which will be stopping and slowing down, as the years pass or time units. Recognizing this movement and review everything that integrates, expansion, development and continuous changes in the processes that move, makes me able to think in a very similar and thus establish the correlation between us and the world we surroundings.

The world watched with great open-mindedness and viewed from an exterior angle, shows the good observer, a distinct recognition mode, if you look with a more limited perspective. If we understand and recognize the forest, it will be easier, if we look outside of its interior, in an outer plane. So we’ll have a closer idea of the whole, this allows us greater plurality and a complete and closer to us. Similarly, if we recognize our place and position, should use mechanisms that allow us to include a position us as subjects, on a different plane. If we feel this experience, valid only incentive we have is our mind, in the absence of scientific facts that will validate each of our experiences. She will provide us the change our current status and lead to a higher plane, out of place really busy. Thereby avoiding the barriers that prevent us have an overview of the whole and therefore, possible to understand our reality. When traveling outside and external search plan included with our mind, we can sense a different reality and recognize the whole sequence and


God’s Desire

This desire, this is really God’s desire, desire that we tend to the Father, but to give it a name, it must be someone who sends. How believe if no one teaches? Gradually it becomes a personal experience, often through the mediation of someone who will be a bit like the visibility of the look of love that God has on us. GM in this area, the floor is very important. But the word of that? A. Basically, it is the word of God who calls us to join him. She became incarnate in Christ and is transmitted by human intermediaries.

Then it will give access to the Bible, the Gospels, the book, but it is not primarily a book. In this book, there are words that will give us an objective look at what God expects of us, what it offers us the help he wants to bring us. This is very important, the passage of the psychological experience of self – where each has its own history and can not share it – what is spiritual is to say something that is universal, that is understandable by all, we can share with others. This passage may be, along with a path to the discovery of the Father, to the discovery of Christ, a liberation of self, a sort of healing, one out of oneself: one begins to experience the otherness of another way. GM Since the beginning of this interview, we talk about the injury, injury to humans.