
The School

It is necessary to stand out that strong arraigadas expressions in the common direction, that express value judgments on definitive social and/or cultural groups, as well as the tricks, are scopes especially sensible to the manifestations of discrimination in the daily pertaining to school. The problematic one of the discrimination is certainly complex and necessary to be worked on the basis of a multidimensional dimension. However, to question ' ' silncio' ' it imprisons that it is basic. To speak openly on the discrimination with () the pupils (), for some of () the professors () interviewed (), assumed antipedagogical character almost. Others (), however, had very considered to be important to face the subject in the classroom, necessarily to elucidate the ideological direction hides that it. The first one, starting point to walk itself in the direction of a multicultural and antidiscriminating education, implies to recognize the existence of this problematic one, not to silence it, to reflect on it. Another initiative proposal for the professors became related it the collective work: The pertaining to school culture and the culture of the school naturalize with as much force these aspects, that is only in the dialogue, the questioning, in the debate, that is possible to develop a new to look at on the daily pertaining to school. to favor the development of auto-they esteem, the mutual respect and the valuation. Constructing a new perspective for the pertaining to school education The relative questions to the relations between pertaining to school education and culture (s) are complex e, as we look for to show, affect different dimensions of the educative dynamic. Read more here: Danny Meyer. Consequently, the formularization of a multiculturally guided resume does not involve solely to introduce definitive practical or to add some contents, what it would correspond only to a boarding that Banks (1999) intitles of ' ' aditiva' '.