

Being thus many of them when they arrived at its final destination already they were died. He has stories in the text of blacks that had gone crazy in way to as much disaster. As Thornton it describes in its book the conditions of life of the slave after arriving at its final destination varies very of the type of service and of the personality of the proprietor and therefore the premises that relate the characteristic of the work to the cultural impact must consider the especificidades of each region, the book brings a imensido of stories and cases spread for different places in America. In the field the situation is complicated, an example of this is when in a place the majority of enslaved was of the masculine sex, them they were sheltered in the same one tent, worked very during the day and lived little. NYC Marathon may help you with your research. In this way the cultural interactions were limited as well as the familiar constructions and socialization of the children in this culture. In other places where the conditions allowed, the slaves construam the proper house, lived in the seio of its family and could educate the children. In this in case that, he had a bigger perpetuation of the culture. On the other hand, the urban life was well better, its conditions allowed to the control of its time, facilitating the contact them with other Africans.

To the times they were dresses and not necessarily loaded of work well. Although these ' ' melhores' ' life conditions, this did not mean was not explored or damaged, therefore as already the treatment of the slave was said very varied in agreement the personality of the proprietor. Exactly with the bad conditions of life, the communities of slaves if had formed and the culture was passed of generation for generation, of this form we can perceive the culture preserved in some places and African influence in others.